The timing was perfect, the product was something she could get behind, the deal was done!
Then I heard about it and here is a product-based blog post to tell you about Mama Strut.
Tammy Ryan was contacted by Jill Bigelow of Pelv-ICE right about the time she was enamored with the pelvic floor during her training to come on the Spinning Babies Approved Trainer team. Jill approached Tammy to promote their new Mama Strut postpartum recovery aid. She loved it. When Tammy told me about it, in my private thoughts, I was like,
“Someone designed a pair of shorts to hold an ice cube? What is the mom doing out of bed that early, anyway?” Well, when I saw the actual pair of shorts, I was very impressed. Jill put so much quality and creativeness into her product. And the support panel aspect in itself offers powerful postpartum comfort. Actually, for the mom who has to get out of bed early, perhaps to walk to the nursery, Mama Strut will add a health safety advantage. I knew I would feel good telling others about it, too!
The visual on the pants is hard to see, so I will include a photo from the Mama Strut Website.

These pants are actually a medical device! So you know I found them well stitched and well made.
See if your insurance carries the cost.
Now you can see how to put it on at
We are so impressed, we affiliated with Mama Strut, and asked Jill to have Mama Strut be a Spinning Babies Sponsor. So you can see the ad at the top of our website banner.
Contact Tammy Ryan, Director of Education and Sales, for MamaStrut.
There are exercises to protect your pelvic floor as well. Mama Strut is a super smart support tool but you will also want to stand, walk, Rest Smart and Move Smart for Postpartum as well. Moving will definitely feel better for weeks and months after birth. Buy Mama Strut from Spinning Babies Website and we’ll both feel better. Thanks for reading this weeks Product Blog!