Dr. Anke Reitter shared her new pelvic measurement research which she brings to us in September in St. Paul, MN. Where is the pelvis larger when moms crouch?
Dutch Midwife Rebekka Visser spoke on the lack of a control group for breech birth.
Betty-Anne Daviss and Ken Johnson spoke on the statistics and dynamics of research. These two crossed the ocean of differences between OB and midwifery breech care to increase safety in both by doing the data crunching for the Frankfurt breech research. This study, I believe, is the key to safe breech birth on earth. This is where we go to open the birthing rooms to breech birthing families in hospitals and increase the safety of midwifery-led breech care in all settings.
What amount of training makes breech safer?
Frank Louwen teaches obstetricians from his University medical center as well as occasionalHe visiting obstetricians from around the world. He says we must have better training and better methods for breech birth that isn’t dangerous. After showing us the upright breech birth statistics, he actually said, “Breech birth isn’t dangerous.” It is more complicated than cephalic but statistically very justifiable.
Dr. Louwen points out that a provider is not competent until they can identify when breech is not progressing normally and have the solutions to return the baby to the position of progress.