Spinning Babies® Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya

Tammy Ryan is teaching a Spinning Babies® Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya Africa this June thanks to Elizabeth Project International, Inc. Their mission is to provide maternal and child educational programs; empowering mothers with evidence based information, skills and support, while advocating for dignity, compassion and best care practice healthcare. 

“I am so grateful that Jennifer Carrol’s non-profit took this on to make it happen.” – Tammy Ryan, Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer

Spinning Babies Tammy Ryan is teaching a Spinning Babies® Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya Africa this June thanks to Elizabeth Project International, Inc. Their mission is to provide maternal and child educational programs; empowering mothers with evidence based information, skills and support, while advocating for dignity, compassion and best care practice healthcare. 
Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer Tammy Ryan will be teaching an advanced training 2-day Spinning Babies® Workshop for midwives, nurses, trained childbirth educators and trained doulas in Kenya. Learn fresh solutions for pain in labor, long and/or posterior labors, or dystocia, and why we believe baby’s position reflects the space available.
Spinning Babies Tammy Ryan is teaching a Spinning Babies® Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya Africa this June thanks to Elizabeth Project International, Inc. Their mission is to provide maternal and child educational programs; empowering mothers with evidence based information, skills and support, while advocating for dignity, compassion and best care practice healthcare. 
When: F and Where: Little Daughters of St. Joseph, Ngong Road, Karen, Nairobi
Early bird rate ends May 15th! Don’t miss out!
You can also donate to the nonprofit so we can have the rural midwives come in for the workshop. To sponsor a participant please follow Elizabeth Project International’s contribute options.
Learn more and register here.
Hope to see you there!
The Spinning Babies® Team

Know someone who might be interested in attending? Please spread the word!

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.