When I do a Spinning Babies class, I ask the local hostess(es) to ask a local pregnant woman to come be our morning model. From 10:30-12 she helps us with Belly Mapping and the Pregnancy Protocol, heavily featuring Dynamic Body Balancing (Dr. Carol Phillips, DC). In Atlanta, GA, the first full day, and a Saturday after the ice melted from the roads, Nicole came to be our pregnant momma. See pictures at Debbie Pulley’s Facebook. or
I ask for someone who is over due if possible, because these activities have led to labor beginning in 36 hours. When my model isn’t due, 36 to even 40 weeks, they haven’t started labor. But 41 weeks, we’ve seen labor in 12-48 hours.
Now, any 41 week mother could go into labor in 12 or more hours after anything, sneezing or laughing, right?
But when they feel a “thunk” or have to jump up during the activities because baby suddenly dropped, I’m thinking this is doing something.
Especially when labor goes so well. Its not scientific, but I am asking for researchers. Meanwhile, try it yourself!

The Atlanta Spinning Babies Workshop was hosted on January 15, 2011 by the Georgia Birth Network and See Baby Perinatalogist, Dr. Bradley Bootstaylor and his staff.
Saturday’s pregnant model was Nicole King, and she was 41 weeks pregnant with her second baby. She sent me this email today, the workshop was on 1-15.:
Here is the quick version: 1.16.11, 4:02am Baby Boy DiBella 9lbs. 21in. was born at home in the tub caught (just barely) by our midwife. Total birthing time approx 1hr 40min 🙂 Intense and perfect! Stay tuned for the official story today or tomorrow…thanks for all you had to do with my amazing birthing time 🙂
Nicole King HCHI, HCHD, ICI
Adventures In Childbirth
I’m giggling again!! She may well have had a short birth anyway, but she did do some amazing work at the workshop! Pictures will be added soon.
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