Spinning Babies Blog in Top Ten for New Midwives

The Nurse Practitioner Schools data base and blog listed Spinning Babies Blog in the first ten of their 50 Best Blogs for Midwives.

The Nurse Practitioner Schools blog gives a brief description of the many nursing schools around the US. If you are looking for nursing credentials, perhaps to go on to become a Certified Nurse Midwife, their site may be an online starting point.

Other exciting blogs (probably more exciting!) listed were

  • Navelgazing Midwife: This blogger is a professional midwife in San Diego who shares her experiences via her blog.
  • Jan Tritten’s Blog: Found on Midwifery Today, this blog talks about a number of issues that midwives will find interesting.
  • Radical Midwife: This midwifery professional specializes in water and breech birth, but posts on a variety of topics here.

There are 46 more, but if I list them all here, it wouldn’t be fair to the Nurse Practitioner School folks who put up their list. Go check it out, https://nursepractitionerschools.org/50-best-blogs-for-midwives/

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog. www.spinningbabies.com

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