Spinning Babies® Before Turning a Breech (ECV)

Spinning Babies  
Maíra, Gail, and Mariane Menezes 

Midwife Maíra Liberdade and Dr. Marcos Nakamura work together in Rio de Janeiro

to reduce cesareans due to breech presentation. They offer External Cephalic Versions for parents pregnant with a breech baby to turn the baby head down.


Midwife Maíra has a unique suggestion. When an External Cephalic Version is scheduled, Maíra recommends doing The Three Sisters three times a day. That’s Manteado, Forward-leaning Inversion and Sidelying Release. Three times a day? That wasn’t a rate I’d thought of, but this team is quite impressed with the high rate of spontaneous and successful versions.
She is finding more babies are head down by the time the families arrive for the ECV appointment.  More ECVs are successful.
Midwife Maíra Liberdade and Dr. Marcos Nakamura work together in Rio de Janeiro
to reduce cesareans due to breech presentation. They offer External Cephalic Versions for parents pregnant with a breech baby to turn the baby head down. 

Midwife Maíra has a unique suggestion. When an External Cephalic Version is scheduled, Maíra recommends doing The Three Sisters three times a day. That’s Manteado, Forward-leaning Inversion and Sidelying Release. Three times a day? That wasn’t a rate I’d thought of, but this team is quite impressed with the high rate of spontaneous and successful versions.


She is finding more babies are head down by the time the families arrive for the ECV appointment.  More ECVs are successful. Try Spinning Babies first.

Spinning Babies Approved Trainer, Nicole Morales, CPM and midwifery educator, presents breech balancing at the upcoming Midwifery Alliance conference this Nov. 3. and periodically in her midwifery teaching space in San Diego. Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner Teacher and Spinning Babies anatomy advisor, Adrienne Caldwell, MT, regularly teaches parents a unique self care protocol in Minneapolis. See the practitioner listing on Spinning Babies Website. 

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Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.