Spinning Babies® as an Option to Labor Solutions – Monthly Update

Tania de Filippio CPE with doll and pelvis

The new Spinning Babies® knowledge expands what we know about childbirth. We can be surprised there is so much more than taught in university. Midwives often exclaim, “Why didn’t I learn this in school?”
Modern education includes so much technology. Spinning Babies keeps physiological birth relevant to the provider. This becomes more important in low-resource areas, where not only birth givers but also professional birth-care providers need more hands-on skills to empower themselves. We help providers and other birthworkers out of isolation and into community. The education of physiological birth strengthens in their region.
Alina Barca, an attendee of our recent Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training in Europe, said:
“I arrived home four days ago… In those rare moments of stillness, I get back to what I have experienced at the Spinning Babies® course, and I still feel overwhelmed, like in the last day of the course. I feel that I came back with a precious jewel that I need to protect and to nourish. And only now I realize the responsibility that is resting on my shoulders. Before I was too enthusiastic that it was happening to be aware of the whole meaning, of all the layers that it had. A steep path lies ahead, and I’m starting to grasp it—not less enthusiastic but maybe more aware of the whole meaning.
“I can’t find the proper words to thank you for everything and most of all for the trust that you put in me—for your time, dedication, patience, understanding, energy, faith, and precious knowledge. I will do all my best to carry the Spinning Babies message further and to plant a seed that, in time, will help births in Romania change. May you spread your wisdom and knowledge to as many birth workers as possible so that more babies can come peacefully into this world… and change the paradigm of pain and trauma that stains our species.”
Spinning Babies is changing birth on Earth. Let’s take a look at why you should add Spinning Babies as an option to your labor solutions.

Birth Tip: Add Spinning Babies® as an Option to Labor Solutions

Mita had a vision of a birth without interventions. Labor started before sunrise, and now it’s midnight. Mita is ready and willing to continue her labor. Her doctor has just offered to open the membranes which hold the amniotic fluid, something like water, around the baby to see if doing so will speed up the labor progress. Mita has a decision to make. At first, it seems like a simple yes-or-no answer, but Mita wonders if there may be a third option.
The doctor says the benefit might be to hurry labor. Mita would like to see her baby. Sooner sounds better than later. Will the procedure hurt? The doctor explains the procedure is just like a vaginal exam. She has had several during this full day of labor. What’s it like for the baby? she asks. The baby’s head may come down on the cervix, giving the cervix more hormonal feedback because of the head putting pressure on the cervix. That doesn’t directly answer her question, but she understands now that this might increase labor progress.
What are the risks? It may not speed up labor. More importantly, the boundary of the amniotic sac will be compromised so germs can get into the womb. Therefore, labor will be limited to 12 or 24 hours, and an IV drug called Pitocin or Sintocin can be started to keep contractions strong, if necessary. Another drug can be given to reduce the fear or pain of labor to help cope with the increase of contractions from the other drug. A cesarean may be done at the end of that time limit if birth isn’t imminent.
Mita asks for that third option. Are there alternatives? The baby’s doing fine, the doctor says. We can wait a little longer. We don’t want you to get tired. We can also use the IV medication without breaking the water. Now Mita knows she can wait. She can let her water be broken, and she can allow drugs to make her body have faster, stronger contractions, or she can wait.
Mita wants to keep a good relationship with her doctor. The doctor’s priority is to help her and her baby have a safe birth, Mita reasons. Accepting the doctor’s suggestion would avoid risking disapproval. On the other hand, she believes it is reasonable to explore an alternative to rupturing the membranes. The doctor did say there was no emergency and left the room for her to decide.
Mita remembers that Spinning Babies® has some activities for making labor easier. Are these techniques able to make labor faster, too? Mita asks the nurse what she thinks about trying something from Spinning Babies®. The nurse is intrigued and happy to help. The nurse brings up the website and looks up techniques to use in labor situations.
Together, Mita and her nurse do a Side-lying Release from the side of the hospital bed. That actually feels good.
Sidelying Release
Since Mita has no risk of stroke from high blood pressure or other medical reasons, she decides to do a Forward-Leaning Inversion through an entire contraction. Mita faces the foot of the bed in knee-elbow position. Then the nurse pushes a button on the bed to lower the bottom half of the bed, and Mita’s forearms, as far as it can go (hospital beds have that cool feature!). Mita tucks her chin and rests on her elbows but doesn’t rest on her head. Mita’s back actually feels good in that position, though she feels pressure in her lungs. After one contraction, the nurse brings the lower part of the bed back up.
Forward-Leaning Inversion
The nurse gets Mita a peanut ball and shows her how to rest with her thigh supported by the curve of the ball and her legs parallel. Mita feels rested and more relaxed.
Mita’s labor contractions get close and strong but don’t feel overwhelming. Mita feels able to handle labor. Just when contractions get to the point that she thinks she won’t be able to handle it anymore, the nurse checks her cervix and finds she is ready to push. They let the contractions bring the baby down and soon Mita’s body does the pushing on its own.
If the techniques suggested by Spinning Babies hadn’t worked, Mita could have used one of her other three choices. Three or more options give parents freedom of choice. They can ask about benefits and risks, which are important to know. Mita asked for help and found she had the resources she needed to keep the vision of her birth her own.

VBAC Home Birth with Spinning Babies® Techniques

Nina Cadman, a midwife from Hobart, Australia wrote in with a wonderful VBAC home birth story. Spinning Babies techniques have helped many achieve their VBAC, and we hope that in reading this story, you feel inspired and encouraged.
“My client was due with her second baby and planned a VBAC at home. Her first baby was ‘stuck’ in direct OP position with a deflexed head, and despite many hours of labour at home and then in hospital, she ended with a c-section at 7 cm with babe in the mid-pelvis. This time we were hoping it will be different!
“Since 30 weeks, she had been having regular osteopathy treatments, a couple of deep massages, and I had been working with her at each visit—mostly Rebozo Sifting (she loved having the pressure off her back) and some Side-lying Release. The last few weeks baby was moving between ROP and ROT with head deflexed, and the back of his/her head sometimes pressing very hard into this poor mama’s right hip. It was an uncomfortable reminder for her that the position isn’t optimal. We tried a Forward-Leaning Inversion a few days ago along with Sidelying Release. I planned to go to her in early labour to do a sequence of Balance activities followed by a fourth, the Standing Sacral Release.
“My client ended up giving birth to her daughter beautifully. A VBAC at home into water after a relatively short labour. She did some Rebozo Sifting and a Side-lying Release with her partner before I arrived, and we didn’t need anything else. I love Spinning Babies® and think it should be taught in all midwifery courses.”

Toronto Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training

Early Bird Pricing Ends June 3 – Register today!
The first ever Canadian Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training is coming to Toronto in July. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this exclusive training and join the dynamic community of Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educators. This four-day training will prepare you to teach a skill-based, hands-on parent class that is transforming birth on Earth. Developed by Spinning Babies® founder Gail Tully, this Certified Parent Educator Training will transform your childbirth education and prenatal yoga teaching.
Last Chance for Scholarship
The Birthworker of Color Scholarship application for the Toronto Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training is closing soon. The final date for applying is May 15th, 2019. This is your last chance to apply for this amazing opportunity to attend a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training. If you are a childbirth educator, prenatal yoga teacher and identify as a birth worker of color we would love to hear from you. Apply here.
Tania de Filippio Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training
Spinning Babies <p>The new Spinning Babies® knowledge expands what we know about childbirth. We can be surprised there is so much more than taught in university. Midwives often exclaim, “Why didn’t I learn this in school?”
Modern education includes so much technology. Spinning Babies keeps physiological birth relevant to the provider. This becomes more important in low-resource areas, where not only birth givers but also professional birth-care providers need more hands-on skills to empower themselves. We help providers and other birthworkers out of isolation and into community. The education of physiological birth strengthens in their region.
Alina Barca, an attendee of our recent Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training in Europe, said:
“I arrived home four days ago… In those rare moments of stillness, I get back to what I have experienced at the Spinning Babies® course, and I still feel overwhelmed, like in the last day of the course. I feel that I came back with a precious jewel that I need to protect and to nourish. And only now I realize the responsibility that is resting on my shoulders. Before I was too enthusiastic that it was happening to be aware of the whole meaning, of all the layers that it had. A steep path lies ahead, and I'm starting to grasp it—not less enthusiastic but maybe more aware of the whole meaning.
“I can't find the proper words to thank you for everything and most of all for the trust that you put in me—for your time, dedication, patience, understanding, energy, faith, and precious knowledge. I will do all my best to carry the Spinning Babies message further and to plant a seed that, in time, will help births in Romania change. May you spread your wisdom and knowledge to as many birth workers as possible so that more babies can come peacefully into this world... and change the paradigm of pain and trauma that stains our species.”
Spinning Babies is changing birth on Earth. Let's take a look at why you should add Spinning Babies as an option to your labor solutions.</p>
Birth Tip: Add Spinning Babies® as an Option to Labor Solutions
<p>Mita had a vision of a birth without interventions. Labor started before sunrise, and now it’s midnight. Mita is ready and willing to continue her labor. Her doctor has just offered to open the membranes which hold the amniotic fluid, something like water, around the baby to see if doing so will speed up the labor progress. Mita has a decision to make. At first, it seems like a simple yes-or-no answer, but Mita wonders if there may be a third option.
The doctor says the benefit might be to hurry labor. Mita would like to see her baby. Sooner sounds better than later. Will the procedure hurt? The doctor explains the procedure is just like a vaginal exam. She has had several during this full day of labor. What’s it like for the baby? she asks. The baby’s head may come down on the cervix, giving the cervix more hormonal feedback because of the head putting pressure on the cervix. That doesn’t directly answer her question, but she understands now that this might increase labor progress.
What are the risks? It may not speed up labor. More importantly, the boundary of the amniotic sac will be compromised so germs can get into the womb. Therefore, labor will be limited to 12 or 24 hours, and an IV drug called Pitocin or Sintocin can be started to keep contractions strong, if necessary. Another drug can be given to reduce the fear or pain of labor to help cope with the increase of contractions from the other drug. A cesarean may be done at the end of that time limit if birth isn’t imminent.
Mita asks for that third option. Are there alternatives? The baby’s doing fine, the doctor says. We can wait a little longer. We don’t want you to get tired. We can also use the IV medication without breaking the water. Now Mita knows she can wait. She can let her water be broken, and she can allow drugs to make her body have faster, stronger contractions, or she can wait.
Mita wants to keep a good relationship with her doctor. The doctor’s priority is to help her and her baby have a safe birth, Mita reasons. Accepting the doctor’s suggestion would avoid risking disapproval. On the other hand, she believes it is reasonable to explore an alternative to rupturing the membranes. The doctor did say there was no emergency and left the room for her to decide.
Mita remembers that Spinning Babies® has some activities for making labor easier. Are these techniques able to make labor faster, too? Mita asks the nurse what she thinks about trying something from Spinning Babies®. The nurse is intrigued and happy to help. The nurse brings up the website and looks up techniques to use in labor situations.
Together, Mita and her nurse do a Side-lying Release from the side of the hospital bed. That actually feels good. Since Mita has no risk of stroke from high blood pressure or other medical reasons, she decides to do a Forward-Leaning Inversion through an entire contraction. Mita faces the foot of the bed in knee-elbow position. Then the nurse pushes a button on the bed to lower the bottom half of the bed, and Mita’s forearms, as far as it can go (hospital beds have that cool feature!). Mita tucks her chin and rests on her elbows but doesn’t rest on her head. Mita’s back actually feels good in that position, though she feels pressure in her lungs. After one contraction, the nurse brings the lower part of the bed back up. The nurse gets Mita a peanut ball and shows her how to rest with her thigh supported by the curve of the ball and her legs parallel. Mita feels rested and more relaxed.
Mita’s labor contractions get close and strong but don’t feel overwhelming. Mita feels able to handle labor. Just when contractions get to the point that she thinks she won’t be able to handle it anymore, the nurse checks her cervix and finds she is ready to push. They let the contractions bring the baby down and soon Mita’s body does the pushing on its own.
If the techniques suggested by Spinning Babies hadn’t worked, Mita could have used one of her other three choices. Three or more options give parents freedom of choice. They can ask about benefits and risks, which are important to know. Mita asked for help and found she had the resources she needed to keep the vision of her birth her own.</p>
VBAC Home Birth with Spinning Babies® Techniques
<p>Nina Cadman, a midwife from Hobart, Australia wrote in with a wonderful VBAC home birth story. Spinning Babies techniques have helped many achieve their VBAC, and we hope that in reading this story, you feel inspired and encouraged.
"My client was due with her second baby and planned a VBAC at home. Her first baby was 'stuck' in direct OP position with a deflexed head, and despite many hours of labour at home and then in hospital, she ended with a c-section at 7 cm with babe in the mid-pelvis. This time we were hoping it will be different!
"Since 30 weeks, she had been having regular osteopathy treatments, a couple of deep massages, and I had been working with her at each visit—mostly Rebozo Sifting (she loved having the pressure off her back) and some Side-lying Release. The last few weeks baby was moving between ROP and ROT with head deflexed, and the back of his/her head sometimes pressing very hard into this poor mama’s right hip. It was an uncomfortable reminder for her that the position isn’t optimal. We tried a Forward-Leaning Inversion a few days ago along with Sidelying Release. I planned to go to her in early labour to do a sequence of Balance activities followed by a fourth, the Standing Sacral Release.
"My client ended up giving birth to her daughter beautifully. A VBAC at home into water after a relatively short labour. She did some Rebozo Sifting and a Side-lying Release with her partner before I arrived, and we didn’t need anything else. I love Spinning Babies® and think it should be taught in all midwifery courses."</p>
Toronto Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training
<p>Early Bird Pricing Ends June 3 - Register today!
The first ever Canadian Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training is coming to Toronto in July. Don't miss the opportunity to attend this exclusive training and join the dynamic community of Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educators. This four-day training will prepare you to teach a skill-based, hands-on parent class that is transforming birth on Earth. Developed by Spinning Babies® founder Gail Tully, this Certified Parent Educator Training will transform your childbirth education and prenatal yoga teaching.
Last Chance for Scholarship
The Birthworker of Color Scholarship application for the Toronto Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training is closing soon. The final date for applying is May 15th, 2019. This is your last chance to apply for this amazing opportunity to attend a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training. If you are a childbirth educator, prenatal yoga teacher and identify as a birth worker of color we would love to hear from you. Apply here. </p>
Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop
<p>August 19-22, 2019 - Minneapolis, MN
Registration is open for the August 2019 Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop. Become listed on the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Listing on our website. Prenatal bodyworkers, midwives, doctors, and nurses gain unique skills in fetal positioning. Hands-on training focuses on respectful, perceptive touch in pregnancy and birth.
Gail Tully (creator of Spinning Babies®) selected midwives Rachel Shapiro and Nicole Morales and massage therapist Jamie Mossay to lead expert education in the Spinning Babies paradigm.
Need to attend the pre-requisite Spinning Babies® Workshop? See below. You will find more information on how to become listed as a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner, and the details for the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop here.</p>
Spinning Babies® Workshop presented by Gail Tully
<p>June 1 - Minneapolis, MN
Prenatal bodyworkers, midwives, doctors, and nurses are invited to register for a Spinning Babies® Workshop led by Gail Tully on June 1 in Minneapolis, MN. Participants who attend this Spinning Babies® Workshop will receive a $75 discount on registration for the 2019 August Aware Practitioner Workshop. Registration will open for all other participants on May 17.
Look for a general Spinning Babies® Workshop in Minneapolis on September 7.</p>
Upcoming Spinning Babies® Workshops

Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop

August 19-22, 2019 – Minneapolis, MN
Registration is open for the August 2019 Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop. Become listed on the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Listing on our website. Prenatal bodyworkers, midwives, doctors, and nurses gain unique skills in fetal positioning. Hands-on training focuses on respectful, perceptive touch in pregnancy and birth.
Gail Tully (creator of Spinning Babies®) selected midwives Rachel Shapiro and Nicole Morales and massage therapist Jamie Mossay to lead expert education in the Spinning Babies paradigm.
Need to attend the pre-requisite Spinning Babies® Workshop? See below. You will find more information on how to become listed as a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner, and the details for the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop here.

Spinning Babies® Workshop presented by Gail Tully

June 1 – Minneapolis, MN
Prenatal bodyworkers, midwives, doctors, and nurses are invited to register for a Spinning Babies® Workshop led by Gail Tully on June 1 in Minneapolis, MN. Participants who attend this Spinning Babies® Workshop will receive a $75 discount on registration for the 2019 August Aware Practitioner Workshop. Registration will open for all other participants on May 17.
Look for a general Spinning Babies® Workshop in Minneapolis on September 7.

Upcoming Spinning Babies® Workshops

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Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.