September 2018 – Monthly Update

Dear Members,
Recently, I have gone looking for additional business coaching in the area of certification programs. We are seeking improvements in how we serve our rapidly growing community. Explaining our work to a potential mentor inspired me to share a similar description in this September monthly update.

A Bird’s Eye View of Spinning Babies®:

Spinning Babies® began as a book draft in 1999. The first workshop occurred in Minneapolis in 2002 for midwives and doulas. The next year, a happy father put a single webpage online. Spinning Babies grew quietly by word of mouth. In 2014, two dynamic videos (Thank you, Melissa Koch!!) were released and in 2015, six Spinning Babies® Approved Trainers began teaching the curriculum to birth workers. The Spinning Babies® 2016 World Confluence conference catapulted us into the alternative birth world’s eye. In 2017, we explored a body work designation we call Aware Practitioner, and this year we began our Certified Parent Educator program.
Today, Melissa Koch and Marni Worlein run Spinning Babies central operations and management. Their talents and dedication keep us afloat and move us steadily forward. Spinning Babies is so big it has us on a steep learning curve. They meet the challenges in amazing ways! My previous partner in midwifery, Emme Corbeil, CPM, has just joined to support our Parent Educators with their certification processes. Sitting around the table I can’t help but think the four elements as we four women get working on our mission. We’re a fearless foursome!
When I coined the phrase, “Physiology Before Force” in 2016 as a service mark to help providers understand our paradigm, I became uncomfortably aware of previously unexplored force in my thoughts and behaviors. Reactions of upset and forceful communication increased in areas where my weakest abilities lay. My previous idea that I had left “force” behind me simply by picking midwifery and doula models for birth work was no longer convincing.
Habits resting on established circuits of thought (assumptions) didn’t shift without angst. And I let plenty of people know about it! But most of all I was uncomfortable with myself. I found judgment where I had assumed tolerance, aggression where I had a assertiveness. As I sought community, I found limits in my ability to truly embrace other’s talents and experience. Somehow my inner circle hung with me allowing true growth to emerge. I began meeting with a personal leadership and communication expert seeking to integrate Non-Violent Communication (Marshall Rosenberg) as Yvette Erasmus has evolved it, and similar philosophies into my habits of communication. Nice wasn’t enough, in fact, nice becomes intolerable as peace with others becomes my motivation.
“Active Patience” is more than a philosophy of birth care. It is a way of moving together in community.
Our good friend and leadership coach, Trish Gardiner, has met with me, off and on, for two decades helping me grow to take my ideas to a sustainable paradigm shift for the birth world. Now Spinning Babies center circle receives Trish Gardiner’s guidance into the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a business structure arrangement by Gino Wickman. EOS promises to be very good for Spinning Babies. Trish moved us light speed ahead by filtering our growing efforts through the EOS model.
Spinning Babies ability to make it or break it is found in world community and daily operations. We might say, in the world, and in my basement office! The strength in our community is overwhelmingly nurturing, flexible and capable. The excitement of a shared vision in which physiology arrives first in birth care creates provider communities supporting easier birth in every birth setting.

Birth Tip

How do we really open the pelvis?

Birth positions open and close the pelvis. Wait, you might ask, What do you mean close the pelvis? Glad you asked! The pelvis has a top entrance and a bottom exit of the open tunnel that baby wiggles through. Squatting, for instance, opens the pelvis a centimeter or more. But not necessarily at the top and the bottom together. Squatting typically opens the bottom. But most long labors are because baby is waiting up at the top.

A one-centimeter squareA one-centimeter square.

One cm is a lot when added to a circle!

birth position
To open the top, flatten the lower back. If standing, stand with knees slightly bent. It’s easier if the birthing person rests the back on the wall and flattens the lower back to touch the wall, as well as the top of the back. This is a posterior pelvic tilt, if you like to know names of techniques.
Squatting opens the bottom of the pelvis a centimeter, but squatting with flat feet and the lower back made to sway in a deep curve can add 2-3 centimeters. The more limber the joints, the more open the pelvis can get. Picking a smarter birth position is something Spinning Babies assists providers and parents to do!

Birth Story

This month’s birth story comes from Amy Riedel, who attened a Spinning Babies® Workshop with Methode Danis Bois Fascia Therapie (Marcello Windolph) in March.
Amy R's baby

“I just wanted to share with you that I was able to have a natural birth no complications and no drugs. Thank you for bringing Spinning Babies® to the world! My first birth was posterior and ended in forceps and this recent birth was so healing for me. I feel so lucky to have met you, participated in your course and be able to share it with my patients.” – Amy

Let the world know a birth like yours is possible
Do You Have a Spinning Babies® Story to Share? Send it to us at

What’s New with Spinning Babies®?

ACTIVE PATIENCE – SIAParto-Spinning Babies® 2018 World Conference in São Paulo, Brazil! September 4 – 9.
Followed by a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator training in Portuguese September 10 – 12 also in São Paulo, Brazil! Prorrogamos valor do 2° lote até dia 20/08!! Aproveite esta oportunidade!! (We extended the 2nd lot price until 8/20! Great opportunity!!) Formação Spinning Babies® para Educadores Perinatais – São Paulo, SP – Brasil – September 10 @ 8:30 am – September 12 @ 6:00 pm
Gail Tully is offering workshops (three options) in Tacoma, Washington this October! Presented by MultiCare Childbirth and Family Education. Oct. 5th and 9th are all-day Spinning Babies for birth workers in general. This workshop is required for all future advanced trainings, see Workshops under Events on our website. Labor In-Depth and Resolving Fetal Malposition in Labor are similar, with the 4 hour workshop focusing on the aspect of In-Labor that has to do with fetal malpositions and not overall Pelvic diameters and anatomy. The full day has more hands on activities and details. Otherwise, they are similar. You get the basic info in the 4-hour class that you get in Spinning Babies Workshop and in In-Depth. The workshops on the 6th and 7th are for those who catch babies and Nurses, not for doulas.

Tacoma, WA Workshop Dates

Friday, October 5 – Spinning Babies® Workshop (covering pregnancy and labor) – 8-Hours. Location: Tacoma General Hospital, Jackson Hall 9:00 AM-5:30 PMO. Open to: Childbirth Educators, Doulas, Midwives, Labor & Delivery Nurses, Physicians, Chiropractors, Any practitioner working with pregnant/laboring people (Body Workers)
Saturday, October 6th – Labor In-Depth with Spinning Babies® – 8-Hours. Location: Tacoma General Hospital, Jackson Hall 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM. Open to: Midwives, Labor & Delivery Nurses, OBs, Physicians.
Sunday, Oct. 7th – Morning Class – Resolving Fetal Malposition in Labor With Spinning Babies® – 4-Hours. Location: Tacoma General Hospital, Jackson Hall 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Open to: Labor & Delivery Nurses, Midwives, OBs, Physicians.
Sunday, Oct. 7th Afternoon Class – Resolving Fetal Malposition in Labor With Spinning Babies® – 4-hours. Location: Tacoma General Hospital, Jackson Hall Select -1:30-5:30 PM. Open to: Labor & Delivery Nurses, Midwives, OBs, Physicians.
Tuesday, October 9th – Spinning Babies® Workshop, (covering pregnancy and labor) – 8-Hours. Location: Allenmore Hospital,  Allenmore Classroom 9:00 AM-5:30 PM. Open to: Childbirth Educators, Doulas, Midwives, Labor & Delivery Nurses, Physicians, Chiropractors, Any practitioner working with pregnant/laboring people (Body Workers)

As Gail leaves Washington, October will begin our tour of Spinning Babies® Workshops in Australia and New Zealand!

New Zealand and Australia October Dates:

Oct. 13-14 – Auckland, NZ, 16 – Adelaide, AU, 17 – Melbourne, AU, 18 – Sydney, AU, 19 – Brisbane (SOLD OUT!), 20 – Brisbane (SOLD OUT!)

Meet Some of Our Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educators

Amy Kelley
Amy Kelley – Minneapolis, MN
After attending Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training several years ago Amy fell in love with all things birth. She shared and weaved her love for pregnancy and birth into her yoga classes, but craved more and pursued further education. She is now a Certified Lamaze Childbirth Educator in the Twin Cities Metro area as well as a doula.
Anne Lundquist
Anne Lundquist – Orange, CA
Dr. Anne Lundquist has a family chiropractic practice with a special emphasis on pregnancy, postpartum, infants, and children. She is Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and is a childbirth educator. Her goal is to support families to have the best possible pregnancies, births, and growth by providing balance and ease through gentle hands-on care.

See a full list of our Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educators here. Interested in our Parent Educator Training? Now accepting registration for Sao Paulo, Brasil, Boston, MA, and Birmingham, UK.

Upcoming Spinning Babies® Workshops & Events

4-9 – ACTIVE PATIENCE – Various Spinning Babies® Workshops at our SIAParto-Spinning Babies® 2018 World Conference in São Paulo, Brazil!
10-12 – Formação Spinning Babies® para Educadores Perinatais – São Paulo, SP – Brasil
18 – Edmonton, AB – Spinning Babies® Workshop
22 – Calgary, AB – Spinning Babies® Workshop
22 – Skaneateles, NY – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan SOLD OUT
23 – Skaneateles, NY – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
28 – Greensboro, NC – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy RyanSOLD OUT
29 – Greensboro, NC – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan SOLD OUT
1 – Detroit, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
5 – Singapore – Spinning Babies® Workshop
5 – Tacoma, WA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Gail Tully
6 – Tacoma, WA – Labor In-depth with Spinning Babies® w/ Gail Tully
7 – Tacoma, WA – Resolving Fetal Malposition in Labor with Spinning Babies® 4-hour clinical AM w/ Gail Tully
7 – Tacoma, WA – Resolving Fetal Malposition in Labor with Spinning Babies® 4-hour clinical PM w/ Gail Tully
9 – Tacoma, WA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Gail Tully
11 – Norwood, MA – Labor and Birth with Spinning Babies® w/ Lorenza Holt – SOLD OUT
13-14 – Auckland, NZ – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop
16 – Adelaide, AU – Spinning Babies® Workshop
17 – Melbourne, AU – Spinning Babies® Workshop
18 – Sydney, AU – Spinning Babies® Workshop
19 – Brisbane, AU – Spinning Babies® Workshop – SOLD OUT
20 – Brisbane, AU – Spinning Babies® Workshop  – SOLD OUT
20 – Chicago, IL – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
25-28 – Boston, MA – Spinning Babies® Parent Educator Training
27 – Dallas, TX – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
28 – Dallas, TX – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
31 – סדנא ספינינג בייביס
1 – Amsterdam, NL- Spinning Babies® Workshop met Jennifer Walker (nederlandstalig)
2-3 – Winnipeg, MB, Canada – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
4 – Jerusalem – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro (English language)
8-11 – Birmingham, UK – Spinning Babies® Parent Educator Training
9 – Grand Rapids, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
10 – Grand Rapids, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
17 – Gilbert, AZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
22 – Antwerpen, Belgium – Spinning Babies® Workshop met Jennifer Walker (nederlandstalig) – SOLD OUT
23 – Antwerpen, Belgium – Spinning Babies® Workshop met Jennifer Walker (nederlandstalig)
27 – Boulder, CO – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
30 – Washington, DC – Labor and Birth with Spinning Babies® w/ Lorenza Holt
1 – Washington, DC – Labor and Birth with Spinning Babies® w/ Lorenza Holt
JUNE 2019
24 – Lago d’Orta, Italy – Birth with Love & Spinning Babies® Doula Retreat w/ Jennifer Walker
See all upcoming events on our calendar here.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.