Referring to Spinning Babies

Chiropractors and Midwives, doulas and childbirth educators, Hypnobirthers and; it seems like Spinning Babies is getting referrals from all over the birthing world.

What makes Spinning Babies useful? What would you like to see more of?

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Here’s today’s fun email:
“thank you for your work–I send chiropractors to your site every weekend! it is such an awesome resource!

Jeanne Ohm, DC
ICPA Executive Coordinator”

See Dr. Jeanne Ohm speaking about natural birth and fetal rotation on You Tube. Click here for the video interview with Dr. Ohm.

My “niece” Melissa was in Orleans, California along the Salmon River when she met a midwife. Soon into the conversation they discovered their “Spinning Babies” connection. Melissa, Meaghann’s sister via her Papa, has helped me in my office, and the midwife refers her moms to my site. A “chance” meeting shows just how prevalent Spinning Babies is becoming in the birth world.

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.