Rebozo for Comfort in Labor

Fabian relaxes Ayanna with the Mexican Rebozo.

From the archives of Spinning Babies®, we see an indigenous couple using the rebozo, a long, woven cloth. Filmed by Gail Tully, their doula, the couple is empowered by the use of a technique familiar to the father’s ancestors.

The birthing mother feels relaxed by the lifting and gentle rocking of her heavy belly. She is in between contractions. Fabian will slow down, stop and wait during the contraction. Then several seconds after the contraction is done, perhaps when Ayanna sighs to show her relief, he begins again. Just 5 minutes or so is quite relaxing. This video is included to show how gentle use of a cloth can be. Find out more about rebozos from a Partera or Midwife who learned through her lineage.


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