1- or 2-day versions offered. AAFP CMEs and ANCC .7 or 1.3 Continuing Education Hours (CEs) or 7 or 13 contact hours). The objectives are the same but the longer class spends more time with hands-on skills and adds 2 more skills to address the full five levels of the pelvis (pelvic diameters included).
The 1-day is more concentrated in presentation. Both meet the same pre-requisite for our advanced 4-day workshops along with other per-requisites for those workshops. Each Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer sets their own workshop price and policies, but the workshops must be at least the hours listed above. Organizers sometimes set up multiple workshops in their area.
Registration is through the Spinning Babies® office. Arrangements for a hospital-sponsored workshop for Intrapartum professionals (L and D Nurses, Midwives, Obstetricians, Hospitalists, Family Practice Doctors) are made with the office by first filling out the form.
After taking a Spinning Babies® Workshop, some participants may be interested in a 4-day workshop.
These are not introductory trainings to begin a career. These supplement the knowledge of experienced professionals. Finishing all steps allows for a listing on the Spinning Babies® website.
1. Parent Education: Childbirth Educators with demonstrated experience or a certificate, and certified prenatal yoga teachers may apply for a Certified Parent Educator Training as a step to prepare for certification as a Spinning Babies® Parent Educator.
Not a Childbirth Educator yet? You can teach 5 series of comprehensive childbirth classes to gain the experience needed to become eligible. Patient education during their care is not eligible as “childbirth education”. This must be comprehensive childbirth education that you offer.
2. Aware Practitioner Workshop: Bodyworkers and providers with a scope of practice for hands-on care may take the 4-day Aware Practitioner Workshop after the above Spinning Babies® Workshop. This course reviews our favorite techniques and adds several more techniques from massage therapy. Midwives and nurses should prepare with an anatomy book written for massage therapists.
(See course description for cost.)
Resolving Shoulder Dystocia with Spinning Babies® – now 7 hrs: Taught by Gail Tully, Rachel Shapiro, Claire Eccleston, or Nicole Morales. 7 ANCC contact hours for L and D Nurses. BRNs for CA nurses.
Breech Basics with Spinning Babies® – 7 hrs: Taught by Gail Tully, Rachel Shapiro, Claire Eccleston, or Nicole Morales.
These two classes are usually taught after a Spinning Babies® Workshop for providers. Nicole Morales offers these classes in California with BRNs for nurses.
In addition to the content presented in the 1-day Spinning Babies® Workshop, the 2-day Spinning Babies® Workshop adds:
Maternity House Publishing dba Spinning Babies® is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Our Spinning Babies® Workshop and these Midwifery courses give both American Academy of Family Practice Continuing Medical Educations (CMEs) for Family Practice Doctors (Midwives can apply CMEs for recertification); and American Nurse Credentialing Center (ANCC) CEs in antepartum and intrapartum nursing.
DONA and many other doula organizations recognize the foundational Spinning Babies® Workshop with advanced doula education certification. Ask the Trainer about CEUs for their workshop. Some Trainers offer BRNs in California and others offer professional credits in their countries. Our foundational workshop, RSD, and Breech Basics meet the requirements for CPMs seeking Bridge Certification.
Birth care providers can take our Spinning Babies® Workshop (midwives, doctors, nurses) and paraprofessionals, doulas, childbirth educators, prenatal yoga teachers, and bodyworkers who work with pregnant people. Providers can take our midwifery level with or without the Spinning Babies® Workshop, however provider feedback is that taking them together is paradigm shifting and reveals much knowledge to increase proficency in resolving shoulder or breech dystocia.
A labor and delivery department may organize a Spinning Babies® Workshop specifically for their hospital staff by using the form at the top of this page.
No. A Document of Attendance is given (or sent later) but that is not a certification in Spinning Babies®. You cannot take this workshop and claim to be trained in Spinning Babies® . See the Terms of Use and Legal Use of Spinning Babies.
You CAN show your colleague or client how to do a technique, of course. You CAN NOT replicate the curriculum or copy the content or material to teach a class, session, or presentation booked or described as Spinning Babies® (our trademark name) or use any of our service marks to teach or promote. Please DO use these techniques with pregnant and birthing parents!
To use Spinning Babies® services to promote your business you require a contract and license from Spinning Babies®, such as those who have become a Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer, Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator, or Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner. Learn how you can teach Spinning Babies®.
We offer two types of arrangements:
Hosting a Workshop: Organizers who are interested in hosting a workshop are responsible for the venue and refreshments. In return, you will get one free ticket per 20 people up to 34 people including the organizer and Equity Seat Attendee. Registration is taken through Spinning Babies® LMS.
Sponsoring a Workshop: Organizers who are interested in sponsoring a workshop are responsible for access to the venue and refreshments.
Each Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer sets their own ticket price. Once you are connected with a trainer, you will discuss ticket price, access to venue, food and beverage, A/V equipment, massage tables, pregnant models, printed materials, CE documentation, merchandise sales, and other details. Organizers have options. First, fill out the form.
Participants receive handouts, either in paper form or as an electronic pdf sent through email per Approved Trainer’s preference. You are not given the slideshow. The workshop handouts are not the same as any of the products for sale. The Spinning Babies: Quick Reference and the video download Parent Class are the closest products to the workshop outline.
Want more? The Quick Reference is a quick reminder of the techniques and when to use them. The Quick Reference connects concepts on the website.
The Parent Class video is for parents but mirrors the Spinning Babies® Workshop. For advanced learning on the provider level, take one or more of our online couses, or look at our video of a class by Dr. Carol Phillips, DC, – Better Birth with Body Balancing.
Each Approved Trainer will set their minimum (typically 24-30). Class maximum is 34 participants. Two organizers and a scholarship recipient are included in the 34 people. The Approved Trainer and any assistant they may bring are not among the 34.
We offer an Equity Seat to a BIPOC birth care provider, doula, nurse, midwife or doctor, who is Black or Indigenous. These racial populations have statistically worse birth outcomes than other populations. In a country other than the US or Canada, this might also be a provider of birth care who is a member of a community statistically showing birth disparities, such as Romany or a resident of a restricted geographical area. Income or student status is not a factor in our Equity access since this is not a scholarship for financial aid.
Since each access seat is also a financial commitment from Spinning Babies® and our Approved Trainers, we have chosen to give our equity commitment to a member of a community with proven birth outcome disparities in order to do the most good in the world. Whether you are eligible or not eligible for an equity seat in this format, consider being an organizer. If you have skills in organizing workshops and can find the appropriate venue, communicate well, and fill the workshop, you can trade your efforts for your seat.
You will need a very large, open, carpeted room with AV. 20 x 25 feet is almost too small, 40 x 30 is better. 1,000 square feet (93 square meters) or more is best. Room to move and walk around 1 massage table per 4-6 people as well as seating and movement on the floor is required.
6 or more massage tables are ideal.
Free parking, easy access to the room, toilets and “coffee service” are needs for the workshop.
Please share details and get confirmation from the Approved Trainer about location and venue before booking it. Ease to the airport can be a consideration to let them know. For instance, a 4-hour drive from the airport may require 3 days to teach and may not be practical at all times. The room will be large, clean, room for yoga mats or little rugs, etc.; and private. Ceiling hung A/V is best. A projector in the ceiling creates a far superior experience than a projector on the table for this workshop. A waiting room of a birth center would have to be big enough & private.
Photos of your intended space (venue) are appreciated! Measurements may be required. Measure the room and include such helpful info in your email requesting a training.
Organizers may be responsible to arrange ground transportation, private rooms in homes, hotel, or airbnb. Make the lodging onsite when possible or less than 15 minutes by car. Remember, you are arriving early! Talk to the Approved Trainer in making arrangements.
Thank you for helping to bring Spinning Babies® Workshop to your area!
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