Tammy Ryan has been attending births since 2002. She is a past doula trainer, childbirth educator, midwifery assistant and one of 15 Approved Trainers worldwide for Spinning Babies®. Tammy has sat on the DONA International board of directors plus several other boards. She started working Internationally in 2008 when she went to DR Congo to train life saving skills in childbirth according to the World Health Organization. She has served in Haiti, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Korea, Japan, India, Israel & Brazil. Tammy has presented childbirth information on several venues including international conferences, TV, radio, universities and to the Ministry of Health. She has been published in the quarterly International Doula and on several blogs. Tammy teaches When Survivors Give Birth as a way to help survivors and birth workers. Tammy has experienced first hand the barriers people face worldwide in getting adequate care in childbirth and postpartum.
Tammy Ryan loves teaching the Sidelying Release with the side stretch addition.
Tammy trains extensively and can be booked for Spinning Babies® workshops or When Survivors Give Birth (Phylis Klaus and Penny Simkin’s provider training for providers of birth care serving the sexual abuse survivor in pregnancy and childbirth).
Daily Essentials
Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.