Nicole Morales

Nicole Morales

Nicole Morales, LM, CPM is a mother and homebirth midwife in San Diego. Nicole resonates with how she moves with her midwifery. She gave birth to her third daughter breech, which led her to be quite passionate about and sensitive to the needs of breech-bearing mamas. Nicole works with breech advocacy by helping parents navigate the challenges of breech late in pregnancy and beyond. This includes developing a breech resource website for San Diego.

Nicole is an Aware Practitioner Trainer for our Aware Practitioner Workshop. Watch for this workshop in San Diego.

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Nicole is a Birthing from Within Certified Mentor and leads a class called Storytelling, Healing and the Birth Worker’s Journey that dives into stories as templates for healing. She also is an instructor and alumni at the Nizhoni Institute of Midwifery. Nicole was a doula for many years as well.

Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer Nicole Morales shows Brazilian Doctors and Midwives how to release the inguinal ligament so baby can move themselves head down.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.