Flying Cowgirl for Engaging Baby

Flying Cowgirl

In labor, but baby isn’t engaging yet?

Open the top of the pelvis by moving the pubic bone away from the spine. Let the body arch into a half wheel shape to open the inlet. When laboring in bed is necessary but baby is still high this dramatic position is a favorite.

Make Room for Baby to Engage

“Flying Cowgirl” is a birth position that can be done while resting on one’s side.

How Long?

Use it for three to six contractions on one side and then switch to the other side and repeat.


See the feet? In this position, the soles of the feet can’t quite touch together. Again, the knees are wide apart. The knees are as far away from the abdomen as possible. The back is arched and the pelvis is forward. This position opens the front-to-back distance at the top of the pelvis so baby can rotate and / or drop into the pelvis. It’s rather athletic.

Flying Cowgirl is a favorite position to help a baby engage when an epidural is in place. Spinning Babies® Approved Trainer, Nikki Zerfas made this a popular alternative in our community of nurses using Spinning Babies®.


This position may not be effective or may even be aggravating in some situations.

  • Baby is -2 station for more than 3 contractions.  Prioritize Forward-leaning Inversion and Shake the Apples at -2 station for desired results.
  • Baby is lower than the brim of the pelvis. This is an inlet opening position.
  • Back injury or pain may make the spine worse. Arching puts pressure on discs.

Alternatives to Flying Cowgirl


See Walcher’s. This position was adapted by midwives and nurses to open the anterior posterior diameter of the inlet as shown in research on Walcher’s.