32 Weeks

Welcome to 32 weeks! Today we’re going to dispel some preconceived ideas and be proactive about baby’s positioning.

Maybe you’ve heard from your care provider that baby’s position doesn’t matter until 36 weeks. We’re on a mission to change that notion. By reading this now, you’re able to lovingly make space for baby and get your body ready for easier childbirth.

Baby’s position fits the shape of available space inside the womb. This space is shaped by the abdominal and pelvic muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue (or fascia). If uterine space is not optimally available, then the baby’s body may not line up with the way out. So how do we figure out what needs to be done?

First, learn how to identify your baby’s position with our Belly Mapping® Workbook. This playful, bonding time with baby is also fun and relaxing. Second, add balance to your body. (See our Spinning Babies® Activity of the Week below.) This allows the baby to move in response to the room created by the release of tension or torsion in the soft tissues and joints. And we all have tension, simply from the way we sit in the car or at our computers, or from how we carry heavy bags or children on the same side all the time.

Our goal is to encourage an ideal labor starting position for baby. Once labor begins, the baby almost always changes the position to rotate as they move through the pelvis. Being head-down is a great first step toward optimal positioning.

If the baby is breech or sideways at 32 weeks, get started with turning activities and add professional bodywork. Try our self-directed 6-day program for Helping Your Breech Baby Turn. See Week 31 for more tips about turning a breech or transverse baby.

This Week
1Spinning Babies® Activity of the Week
Weekly Affirmation

Affirmations are short, powerful statements that can affect your conscious thoughts. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and repeat the following to yourself each day throughout the next week. Fill yourself with breath and feel the joy:

“I release tension. My womb has so much space for you, baby.”

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.