Birth Stories

Birth Stories


“Whether celebrating or healing,

telling your story is your star-history,

the history of your becoming.”

   — Gail Tully




This family had a fast posterior birth with their second child. Ease in labor includes other factors beyond baby position.

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Avoiding Cesareans
Parents tell how they did it

From Cesarean to Homebirth

Lisa tells how she avoided a cesarean that the midwives assumed was going to be necessary.

At 36 weeks the midwives were adamant there was a less than 3% chance of my baby turning from the frank breech position and had never heard of any exercises to do. I was recommended to have ECV [an external cephalic version is when a doctor or midwife tries to turn the baby by pushing on the abdomen in a very specific way] or a C-section and told my homebirth was out of the question.

I did the exercises you outlined and at my 37-week scan, little Pearl was head down. The Sonographer [ultrasound specialist] said she had never seen it before and said she had thought it was anatomically impossible for a baby to have turned that late?!

She was born in the pool in our sitting room while her 2-year-old big sister slept upstairs.

Too Late To Turn?
Still easy once Mom made space for her 36-week baby

At 36 weeks the midwives were adamant there was a less than 3% chance of my baby turning from the frank breech position and had never heard of any exercises to do. I was recommended to have ECV [an external cephalic version is when a doctor or midwife tries to turn the baby by pushing on the abdomen in a very specific way] or a C-section, and told my homebirth was out of the question.

I did the exercises you outlined and at my 37-week scan, little Pearl was head down. The Sonographer [ultrasound specialist] said she had never seen it before and said she had thought it was anatomically impossible for a baby to have turned that late?!

She was born in the pool in our sitting room while her 2-year-old big sister slept upstairs.

Grandmother Helps With Two VBACs

A VBAC is a vaginal birth after a previous Cesarean. Here’s what Grandma said after studying Spinning Babies® website for VBAC info:

“I was able to use your techniques to spin two little troublemakers into the right position so they could be born naturally. It was more precious because these two troublemakers happened to be my own granddaughters (they are both so cute, who can remember all the trouble they caused?) Both my daughters have had C-sections, and they so did NOT want to go through that again. And with the information, I got from Spinning Babies and a lot of help from the One Above, I was able to get them into the right position so that labor started on its own! Which it wasn’t when they were both posterior. They were both overdue and their doctors were acting very unhappy, and they finally told my daughters that the babies were posterior.”

1Posterior Baby and a Positive Vaginal Home-Birth

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Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.