Platypelloid Pelvis

“Dear Gail:
Just wanted you to know that the VBAC mom with the platypelloid pelvis had a successful unmedicated birth; surges were very intense with back labor for about 2 1/2 hours, mom was about 8cm dilated until the quality changed into a much more do-able intensity.
Spinning Babies <p>"Dear Gail:
Just wanted you to know that the VBAC mom with the platypelloid pelvis had a successful unmedicated birth; surges were very intense with back labor for about 2 1/2 hours, mom was about 8cm dilated until the quality changed into a much more do-able intensity. What helped was being on all fours, knee-chest position, strong hip squeezes, rebozo > standing did not work for a long time, just too intense, I think the walk to the car to transition to the hospital was helpful though – from there on it seemed so much easier. Active labor lasted just 3 hours, ½ hour pushing.
– the baby was sitting on the right side throughout the pregnancy, I think ROT; this mom was very dedicated, did chiropractic work (Webster technique) & craniosacral therapy – but the baby stayed on the right side; once we arrived in the hospital baby’s heartbeat was found on the left – I think the baby was born LOA; just saw this mom yesterday – she says hello to you – she worked with every bit of information."
Gail's response:
"Dear S,
Oh, Wonderful! She got her baby over to the left via "balancing activities" and early labor so that when baby engaged baby was LOT and so born LOA! Lovely!!!
Please give her my sincere congratulations and admiration! She did a lot of work! I'd love to post these emails without any identifying information within the pelvic types article. Would that be ok with you and her?"</p>
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What helped was being on all fours, knee-chest position, strong hip squeezes, rebozo > standing did not work for a long time, just too intense, I think the walk to the car to transition to the hospital was helpful though – from there on it seemed so much easier. Active labor lasted just 3 hours, ½ hour pushing.
– the baby was sitting on the right side throughout the pregnancy, I think ROT; this mom was very dedicated, did chiropractic work (Webster technique) & craniosacral therapy – but the baby stayed on the right side; once we arrived in the hospital baby’s heartbeat was found on the left – I think the baby was born LOA; just saw this mom yesterday – she says hello to you – she worked with every bit of information.”
Gail’s response:
“Dear S,
Oh, Wonderful! She got her baby over to the left via “balancing activities” and early labor so that when baby engaged baby was LOT and so born LOA! Lovely!!!
Please give her my sincere congratulations and admiration! She did a lot of work! I’d love to post these emails without any identifying information within the pelvic types article. Would that be ok with you and her?”

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