Find a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner
Practitioners are trained in a bodywork curriculum designed to allow:
- Comfort in pregnancy and labor
- Spontaneous change to a more optimal fetal position
Each practitioner commits to techniques within their skills and scope of practice. Results are individual. The practitioners on this list have agreed not to force a baby into position unless they are a doctor or midwife trained in external cephalic version (ECV). Spinning Babies® does not assume risk. Plan a course of care with your provider and practitioner that’s right for you.
Adrienne Caldwell St. Louis Park, MN 612-437-7778Loading...
Adrienne McRuvie Toronto, ON 4168039333Loading...
Aimee Smith Berwick, VIC 0431 272 801Loading...
Aline Pinkston Franklin, TN 615-788-1525Loading...
Alix Medina Verdugo San Diego, CA | Tijuana, MX 619-373-6787Loading...
Amanda Lambert Duluth, MN 218-340-3027Loading...
Amber Galipp McKinney, TX 214-880-6330Loading...
Amy Kochersberger Rochester, NY 585 310-8900Loading...
Amy LePage Montpelier, VT 802 778-0300Loading...
Amy Riedel Inner West, NSW 415141485Loading...
Andrea Brannock Fort Worth, TX 214.493.8777Loading...
Andrea Linnes-Bagley Burnsville, MN 612-568-4486Loading...
Angela Elliot White Bear Lake, MN 651-484-9009Loading...
Ann Zilka Richfield, MN 6128669194Loading...
Anne Heckheimer New York City, NY 917-359-8176Loading...
Anne Lundquist Orange, CA 714-633-1648Loading...
Ariel Provasoli Berkeley 360-402-4550Loading...
Ashley Dahlem Monterey 8312412280Loading...
Audrey Trepiccione North Myrtle Beach 843-273-6304Loading...
Belinda Hall Leongatha 61356620146Loading...
Betty McKew Bangalow 02 6687 2640Loading...
Bonnie Rovics Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA 617-522-3344Loading...
Brenda Goodell San Diego 619-203-3731Loading...
Brittny 'Bee' Johnson Petaluma 7074944873Loading...
Byrd Shuler Minneapolis 612-849-0190Loading...
Catherine Burns Minneapolis 612-227-3071Loading...
Chandler Yorkhall Minneapolis 612-876-8908Loading...
Charisse Balance Ventura 805-699-6423Loading...
Charisse Sciuva San Diego 619-721-4377Loading...
Charlotte Scott Atlanta 770-688-0519Loading...
Chelsey Smiley Indianapolis 317-228-9701Loading...
Cher Durham New Bern 252-658-1553Loading...
Chloe VanLente Marquette 906-250-3843Loading...
Christina Stout Seattle 206-660-6459Loading...
Claire Eccleston Auckland 275398495Loading...
Corinne Flatt Las Vegas 702-822-2229Loading...
Corrine Flatt Las Vegas 702-822-2229Loading...
Danera Wilkinson Coolangatta 404668109Loading...
Daniel Haas Pittsburgh 412-728-4135Loading...
Danielle Finden St Paul 952-201-3420Loading...
Debbe Cannone San Diego County 858-213-7332Loading...
Debra McLaughlin Duluth and Twin Cities 218-590-1891Loading...
Dena Gold New York with house calls throughout NYC Westchester and Nassau 917-719-2728Loading...
Donna Zubrod Morrisville 919-810-0003Loading...
Dorothy Hale Anchorage 907-903-7944Loading...
Dr. Janna Hansen Walnut Creek San Francisco East Bay 925-494-0632Loading...
Dr. Nicole McCauley Springfield 417-883-1141Loading...
Drs. Jenna and James Evans D.C. CACCP Victoria +61 3 9758 6239Loading...
Eliza Fletcher Ballarat 61353242900Loading...
Elizabeth Shrader Washington DC 202 436-1279Loading...
Emily Puente Mansfield 817 592-3292Loading...
Emma Moreland Chula Vista 3188434418Loading...
Felisa Yzaguirre Austin 915-667-1977Loading...
Fiona Hallinan MelbourneLoading...
Genevieve Bojado Minneapolis St. Paul Twin Cities Metro Area 612-466-0390Loading...
Ghneine Lardelli-Koster Maryborough/Hervey Bay 403945182Loading...
Heather LeMaster Poway 619-565-8831Loading...
Heather McCullough Chicago, IL 262-909-8720Loading...
Heather Stanley Fort Collins 970-224-4845Loading...
Isabel (Izzy) Adair Jenkins Minneapolis 6126951385Loading...
Jacinda Hover Chester 973-828-8010Loading...
Jamie Mossay Lamesa 619-861-2663Loading...
Jamie O'Neal Bowie 2024225699Loading...
Jane Crawford Gold Coast and Far Northern New South Wales 402633622Loading...
Jannell Zimmerman Tulsa 9188958899Loading...
Jen Santos Petaluma 7072004466Loading...
Jenna Love Monbulk 434343583Loading...
Jennifer Gordon Poway 8588804992Loading...
Jenny Blyth Sunshine Coast 61 438857184Loading...
Jessica Morell Sebastopol 7078431415Loading...
Joanna Rosina Hawkes Bay 2108471758Loading...
Joanne Dahill Durham 919.698.9110Loading...
Jodi Westrum Denver 3033182229Loading...
John Edwards Cape Coral & North Port 239-549-6262Loading...
Jolynn Radin Solon 216-633-2828Loading...
Jooyi Ong (Dr) Kuala Lumpur 60172616842Loading...
Juanita Ahuehuetzin Montoya Chicago-Evanston, IL 847-903-5383Loading...
Julia Havis Spring 281-231-8008Loading...
Karen Newell York 717-845-9639Loading...
Karen Ulrich Rolla 573-426-2229Loading...
Kari Jenkins Nashville 615-426-1977Loading...
Karrie Green Austin 507-210-1655Loading...
Kate Chantry La Farge 608-632-0833Loading...
Kate Nickerson Los Gatos 408-833-3465Loading...
Kate Wolfe Wanaka 276957772Loading...
Katherine Greene Lafayette 337-470-5239Loading...
Katherine Grimmett San Diego 8583866368Loading...
Kathleen Nugent Hamnord 819-806-2978Loading...
Keith Do Alabaster 205-679-6326Loading...
Kelly Dungan Seattle 813-966-2166Loading...
Kiersten Quinn Whakatāne +64 2040839920Loading...
Kindra Bryson Vancouver 3602816784Loading...
Kristen Hosaka Burleson 817-426-0676Loading...
Kristen Lee Greenfield 414.628.7659Loading...
Lani Stokes Port Macquarie 24955900232Loading...
Laura Jones Lisa 423401401Loading...
Laura Randall Minneapolis/St. Paul Area 651-356-5562Loading...
Lauryn Johnston Wellington 64221015827Loading...
Lee-Anna Keats Gold Coast 61452039469Loading...
Leslie Kremer Cascade 563-223-8323Loading...
Leticia Brixey San Antonio 2108877552Loading...
Lindsey Oakes San Diego 530 318-8595Loading...
Lorie Michaels Christiansted 781-223-8936Loading...
Louise Norton Inverloch 409166924Loading...
Loukia Papageorgiou Daw Park Adelaide 08 7222 8701Loading...
Maira Libertad Botucatu 5.52E+12Loading...
Mandy Verghese RichmondLoading...
Maria Provencher San Diego County 619-481-8691Loading...
Martha Hill Hackensack 551-996-2000 extension 71842Loading...
Mary Bratcher Houston 2816871678Loading...
Meaghan Staples Bangor 2078529665Loading...
Meghan Dowling San Jose 408-294-2894Loading...
Melissa Adrouny San Jose 408-429-8110Loading...
Melissa Berenda-Larimer Solsberry 18129354272Loading...
Melissa Blackford Melbourne +61 413 190 756Loading...
Meredith Jefferson Houston 713-773-0803Loading...
Michaela Laughrin Lincoln 402-420-5373Loading...
Michelle Haff Ottawa 815-228-4016Loading...
Misty Brown Shippensburg 717-331-8505Loading...
Molly Deutschbein Rochester 585-746-4682Loading...
Monica Seimer Gilbert 480-507-2788Loading...
Nadia Fakhoury Los Angeles 323-302-7733Loading...
Nanci Redecker Cape Coral 239 565-1391Loading...
Neisha Streete Lake Peekskill 9174281039Loading...
Nichole Alarcon San Antonio 210 378-8939Loading...
Nicole Roemen Souix Falls 605-275-2100Loading...
Nicole Trombley San Diego 619-955-6670Loading...
Orna Konig San Francisco 415-710-9991Loading...
Paula Roufs St. Cloud 320-342-2072Loading...
Randi Jaffe New York 917-882-1035Loading...
Rebecca Goodwin Yarmouth 207-318-8272Loading...
Regina Rodriguez Denver 7209080491Loading...
Renee Gerber Queens 347-834-3161Loading...
Rochelle Vincent Twin Cities 952-220-8149Loading...
Ronit Vigodzkey Haifa 972-52-4550674Loading...
Rosemary Schiavi Belvidere 815-800-1123Loading...
Rowan TwoSisters Houston 432-201-1092Loading...
Roxy Robbins Asheville 845-332-6607Loading...
Samantha Dean Fauce Carlsbad 7602149157Loading...
Samantha Liming Burleson, TX 682-385-0005Loading...
Sarah F Lichtenstein Monroe Monsey and Brooklyn 8453258400Loading...
Sarah Feinstein Oceanside 760 201-5291Loading...
Sarah Kelly San Luis Obispo 805-548-0033Loading...
Serena Zagst Moor 9805531779Loading...
Seungmin Jung Seoul +82 010-2703-5417Loading...
Sheena Roberts Auckland 64274880690Loading...
Shelly Langford Cairns 0408 185 614Loading...
Sherry Jones Los Angeles and surrounding areas 424-901-3981Loading...
Silke Powell +64 21 268 4149Loading...
Skye ("Sky-a") Livingston 510 928-7818Loading...
Sonya LaMont Sioux Falls 605-328-7140Loading...
Sophie Jeffries Melbourne 413130060Loading...
Stephanie Powers Middlebury 401-835-4989Loading...
Sue Meyer Sauk Center 320 351-7678Loading...
Susie Chow Hong KongLoading...
Tamara Villavicencio Okemos 517-348-3283Loading...
Tania De Filippis Pardi Campinas +5519993412278Loading...
Tatiana Koontz San Diego 858 221-6040Loading...
Toni Curtis Charlotte 18666936852Loading...
Valerie Stroupe Kalamazoo 269-381-1800Loading...
Whitley Caruso Houston 8329198289Loading...
Zoey Anderson Oakland 510-637-8434Loading...
Ibukun Afolabi London, Ontario, CAN 519-900-2819Loading...
Cora Crain Little Rock, AR 501-680-6963Loading...
Jamie Santillo Palo Alto, CALoading...
Angela Danek Pittsburgh, PA 203-725-6464Loading...
Tania Robinson Wooster, OH 330-201-1625Loading...
Maureen Farrell Elkins, WVLoading...
Wendy Olsen 248-677-1339Loading...
Tonia Rausbeck Gilbert, AZ 480-236-3620Loading...
Tara Wilmoth Buffalo Grove, ILLoading...
Silvia Garbalena-Esparza Amarillo, TX 806-437-1537Loading...
Cheryl Appleton Hanover, MDLoading...
Samantha Davis Louisville, KY 502-257-5994Loading...
Jasmine Polk Savannah, GA 912-420-4910Loading...
Amy Wilt Harrisburg, PA 717-329-6479Loading...
Amanda Roettger Loves Park, IL 815-275-7270Loading...
Reanna Auston Newcastle, NSW, AUSLoading...
Seneca Price Candler, NC 336-251-5926Loading...
Jenna Wilson Asheville, NC 805-705-5571Loading...
Emily Dixon Whanganui 0226329241Loading...
Angelica Radevski Wheeling, WV 304 639-8799Loading...
Alex LaPierre Georgia 6782628843Loading...
Meg Austin Cowra +61 99947030Loading...
Madison Gavrilyuk Strafford 4178275305Loading...
Max BurrusWebb Spring, TX 206-651-0978Loading...
Stephanie Marotta Woodland 360-601-7844Loading...
Lynn Okuley Pennsylvania 7176582207Loading...
Reagan Sullivan Houston 7139623343Loading...
Veronica Mullet Overland Park 816-648-0998Loading...
Mindy Bigler Layton 801-391-4164Loading...
Ronit April Varga Oakland 1-415-516-3497Loading...
Wolff ( San Antonio, TX 210 503-0555Loading...
Rachel Fracassa Kansas City, MO 8168381121Loading...
Heather BoneLoading...
Anna Trueb Boston, MA 8605087115Loading...
Ashley Lewis Hyde Park 16173203727Loading...