White Owl Midwifery & Birth Services (WOMBS) offers you support through every phase by embracing the midwifery model of care. We offer an inclusive & diverse practice environment with providers that are dedicated to patient-centered, trauma-informed, consent-based, family-oriented, culturally-appropriate, compassionate care through every phase of your healthcare journey. As a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner, Cher Durham CNM, WHNP-BC works with positions & muscle release techniques to provide support during your prenatal care, labor, birth & postpartum time to bring balance to your body and pelvis. Many clients endorse immediate relaxation & release after some of the techniques. Breech babies can be encouraged to rotate into a cephalic position with the breech tilt techniques as well. Comfort, relaxation, release & easier labor & birth have been dehttps://www.spinningbabies.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/sample3-1.pngd by clients.