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Aicha Scott brings a deep passion for the transformational power of birth and more than ten years of experience as a birth worker to her Spinning Babies® practice in the East Bay Area.

Since 2011, Aicha has been a Nurse Midwife who is now attending births in a Bay Area hospital where she integrates body work into her labor support of birthing families. She received a bachelor’s degree in Biodiversity from Humboldt State University (now Cal Poly Humboldt), a bachelor’s degree in Nursing and a master’s of science in Midwifery from Columbia University.

Aicha began to integrate body work into her birth practice in 2019 to support clients who needed additional support during labor. Through attending hundreds of births, she has witnessed the power of the Spinning Babies® approach. By gently balancing the soft tissues which hold the baby, these practices strengthen the body’s labor forces, inviting comfort and ease to the labor process.

Aïcha became a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner in 2022 and supports prenatal clients who seek an easeful home or hospital birth, who carry a breech baby, or would like support to prepare for an external cephalic version (ECV).

Aicha offers 90 minute sessions that include gentle massage and exercises to soften, lengthen, and relax the abdomen and back. This may open space for the baby to rest in an optimal position prior to the onset of labor, and bring increased comfort to pregnancy’s common discomforts.

Aicha’s clients who are between 34-41 weeks pregnant have experienced a release of tension throughout their body. After as few as one session, clients have been able to carry their baby with increased comfort in their low back, pelvis, and supporting ligaments.

Supporting clients and contributing to positive birth experiences is deeply rewarding for Aicha. She is honored to be part of the birth journey’s of so many families.

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For a limited time buy Birth Practices I and get Birth Practices II 50% off.

Both courses offer essential
Spinning Babies® techniques taught by Gail Tully and our expert trainers.