- Spinning Babies® founder Gail Tully ties in one of our most effective labor techniques with the nativity story ?
- Learn how to obtain trust and calmness from the birth giver while using the Shake The Apple Tree ? technique
- Watch video testimonies ? from Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training participants
- See upcoming events including just added workshops in the United States, Estonia, and Australia
She Shook the Palm Tree
December reminds me of the Nativity story. The need to do things differently, even birth, is inherent with a change in paradigm. Whether or not you celebrate the Nativity of Jesus, the story is exciting. I got more excited to share with you when I read the Koran account of this story, which touches upon one of our most effective labor techniques! See how I spin the Nativity, the date palm, and comfort in birthing on the Spinning Babies® blog.
Mary and Jesus under the Date Palm
I love the plot tension of the traveling parents, pregnant and in labor with Jesus, arriving in Bethlehem to find “no room at the inn.” While having no prepared place for birth may seem unfortunate, Mary’s circumstances lead to a birth with extreme autonomy.
Historical Accounts Include Actions That Activate Fascia
In current Christian tradition, Mary rides a donkey a long distance until labor is too strong for her to continue. I’ve written in past December newsletters about the jiggle into position Jesus may have experienced during this ride! Early Christian texts and the Koran reveal fascia-nating details about this journey.
In these versions of the story, there is no inn. Rather, these texts relay Mary’s request for a secluded place to birth, noting the very real danger for unmarried pregnant women in her society. (The Protevangelium of James, or Gospel of Pseudo-James, includes passages omitted from the Gospel text approved by the Gelasian Decree of the Council of Rome.) The early Christian/pre-Islamic Apocrypha story mirrors the Greek story of Leto, pregnant by Zeus. People feared the revenge of Zeus’s wife Hera and would not provide a place for Leto to give birth. Leto finally gives birth to the twins Artemis and Apollo under a palm tree on an island.
The Holy Koran (Qur’an) includes several details about the birth of “Isa,” or Jesus. WikiIslam records that “Quranic verse 19:22-26 is a clear parallel of the account found in the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew [in the Apocrypha]”:
Then she conceived him; and withdrew with him to a remote place. And the throes of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree. She said: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten! So a voice came to her from beneath her: Grieve not, surely thy Lord has provided a stream beneath thee. And shake towards thee the trunk of the palm-tree, it will drop on thee fresh ripe dates. So eat and drink and cool the eye. . . .
Quran 19:22-26
Maryam shakes the Palm Tree
Food as Medicine and a Bit of Body Balancing!
Rebecca Dekker of Evidence Based Birth reports that randomized trials show benefits from eating date fruit in late pregnancy. About 60–80 grams a day of date may increase cervical ripening, reducing the need for a medical labor induction or augmentation. The research also points toward a positive effect on postpartum blood loss. The second delight to this story is the recommendation of giving the tree a shake to free the fruit. We’ll shake out the benefit of shaking to body balancing in a few paragraphs, but for now, let’s get back to the story.
“And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree…” —The Koran. Translation by Yusef Ali
Holding a Baby to Support an Era of Compassion
Mary presumably brought the baby to her breast for skin-to-skin contact, for warmth, and perhaps because of a lack of a cradle in her travel supplies. The presence of a palm tree doesn’t preclude the presence of a stable; both can be in easy proximity. Fascial integrity, or balanced tensegrity, is a theme at Spinning Babies®; and skin-to-skin contact is a benefit of easier childbirth. The Nativity story records the use of both in the birth of a person who changed a paradigm. Research in fascia, the vagal nerve complex, and skin-to-skin contact supports their value in human health and social connection.
Specifically, skin-to-skin contact enhances the hormones of security and trust. The baby Jesus’s neural pathways were thus set to support social competency, innovation, humility, and confidence, characteristics all supportive of a new paradigm of thought. Perhaps the absence of women to take the baby “so Mary could rest” allowed Jesus an added physiological benefit for envisioning the new era. One might argue that Joseph could have held the baby, and that is possible, but I present this story with Mary holding her baby immediately after birth.
Birthing Outside the Box
Creating room for a new paradigm may benefit from, even require, a profound experience outside the social norms—in this case, not only an out-of-hospital birth (as all births were in those days) but also a birth outside the community social customs. These seemingly primal conditions may strengthen the mother-baby bond through the proximity of heartbeats.
Shake It Loose
Fascia is the connective tissue, the dynamic web that supports the muscles, ligaments, and bones. Fascia membrane therefore wraps the uterus and forms the uterine ligaments, entwines with the pelvic floor muscles, and lines the pelvis.
New understanding of the fascia may add another depth of meaning to the story of the date palm. The physical vibration of shaking or jiggling seems to smooth the fascia and free it from resistance and restriction. The body functions optimally. By activating receptors with gentle shaking and bodywork techniques, we give fascia the potential to make more anatomical room in our bodies.
Fascia holds the effects of our load bearing in gravity. Fascia research hints that the fascia is the holder of memories. With gentle stretches and gentle jiggling, we clear the fascia from the strains of living in gravity and society. All this, and more, builds my assertion that ease in birth begins in the fascia.
The Body That Hoards
Physical and emotional experiences—from muscle contractions involved with posture and movement habits, to injuries, to cringing in fright or startling—put tension on the fibroblasts and other cells in the fascia. Collagen is laid down in the areas of the body corresponding to the strain. Emotional trauma releases chemicals into the body. Sensors on the cell membranes called microtubules build up polymers called tubulins, which may store memories. In this way, movement and emotion may determine the load of the memories we bear. Sitting for great periods of time, therefore, may literally leave us sitting in the past. Memories are layered with thought and emotion and seem to be stored in and outside of our nervous system, from brain to body in a “particular connective tissue architecture” (Bordoni 2019).
A deep, uncovered memory creates physical evidence felt in the fascia. We get rigid or send pain signals through the body due to the inflammation that literally changes the connections in our bodies. Growing up in any culture sets modeled patterns directly into our bodies. Our connective tissue is freed or thickened by how we live. Resiliency or resistance seems to begin in our fascia.
Resistance Can Be Overcome by Motion
Thick fascia becomes more fluid as it responds to a slow stretch, jiggling, or the creation of physical waves as in the Fasciatherapy Danis Bois Method (Note: This link causes a PDF download). The medium suspending the fibrils and other cell structures in the fascia returns back to a more fluid solution from a firmer gel state. Imagine again the unexpected benefit of a donkey ride or shaking a tree as childbirth preparation.
Fluidity reduces the pain of stress and perhaps releases the feeling of being stuck as polymers return to their base molecule structures. The “buildup” of memory and habit begins to reorient to a simpler yet profound pattern for resilient living.
As we experience our body without the pull of chronic misalignment or thicknesses, we reset the “how” in how we experience life.
Shaking Trees
In the ’80s and ’90s, North American midwife pioneer Ina May Gaskin explained a Central American tradition of grasping the buttocks or thighs of a tense laboring woman and firmly but gently shaking for a time. She used the description of shaking an apple tree to get the apples to fall as an illustration for US audiences. She attributed the sudden labor progress common to this technique to the comfort and relaxation resulting from this motion. Fascia wasn’t common knowledge in the midwife world at that time, but of course, the benefits of relaxation were known. As a doula, midwife, and doula trainer, I’ve always had “Shaking the Apple Tree” as a part of my repertoire. But “Shaking the Date Palm” might be a more historical birth reference!
New Nativities Are Possible
History can be healed through the collaborative movement of humanity. Being the nurturing mother of our self is being the mother of our cells. Self-care is cell care. The child in us can be heard, healed, and released to emerge in free expression.
As the year ends and a new year dawns, feel the possibility that we, too, can begin anew. The original pattern is within, waiting for you to “shake a leg!”
Whether you’re rebirthing yourself as a parent or renewing your passion as a professional, your ever-emerging spirit allows you the fluid potential of moving in any direction you choose.
Thank you for rotating through my mind with me, from the Nativity story to developing new paradigms by releasing the fascia from the gravitational weight of societal constructs to the enjoyment of trees. For those of you reading this far, a hug and a shake! You are loved. – Gail Tully
*References can be found at the end of this post.
Birth Tip
To “Shake the Date Palm,” begin slow with a reassuring hand. Be conscious. That means starting with a calm and kind explanation of what you want to do and why. Don’t reach and grab the birthing person’s body quickly.
Begin with a thigh by holding the thigh with two hands and softening your palms while keeping the bones in your hands and fingers around their flesh. Take a breath. Only now begin a slow and tiny jiggle. It’s not really a shake, is it? It’s like jiggling your iced coffee without spilling it, just warmer! We seek to elicit trust and calm.
Feel for the leg to wiggle more and more easily even though you haven’t begun to shake more vigorously. That’s the fascia responding. Your actions are merging with their body to make ripples in the pond. Ripples that spread from under their skin to their muscles. Ripples gently jiggling through their thigh muscles and up to their hip and buttocks. Get into a comfy position and shake for about 3 minutes before speeding up. Speeding up and adding a bit more vigor can still be sensitive and intuitive. Continue at this rate for another 3–10 minutes as practical. When you tire, carefully show another person on the birth team how to continue respectfully.
From workshop participants:
?: Centro de Terapias e Pilates
“I am a student midwife and L&D RN. One night, I was caring for a young primiparous woman who had been stuck at 6 cm for hours. The OB determined that the baby was asynclitic and that a C-section may be in her future. I googled Spinning Babies®, got her up on her knees leaning on the back of the bed (with an epidural!) and shook her hips with a folded hospital sheet. Two hours later, she had a vaginal delivery of a nearly 9-pound healthy baby boy! Success!” — Chrisann JP
Bonus Pregnancy Tip
A date a day in late pregnancy is a traditional nutritional recommendation. Try a date shake!
Parent Educator Training Testimonies
Hear what recent Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training participants said about why the SpBCPE training was great for them:
“I cannot say enough about the program, the communication, the support that I received.”
Make pregnancy and birth easier by becoming certified to teach Spinning Babies® to expecting parents as a stand-alone workshop or as part of their existing childbirth class. Join us for a 2020 Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training in the following locations:
- Rishon LeZion, Israel – May 18-21
- Austin, Texas, USA – May 13-16
- Schladming, Austria – June 2-5
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA – July 28-31
- Caloundra, Australia – October 20-23
Meet the instructors for the 2020 Austria training below and join us for an all-inclusive (lodging and food) four-day training!
Workshop Spotlight
We are excited to offer this two-day workshop of birthing wisdom in magical Morocco. So buy yourself a cheap air ticket from Europe and treat yourself to mini education vacation! Register today!
Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop & Alternative Pathways
Our Feb 2020 Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop is sold out. New dates for a summer 2020 workshop in San Diego are being finalized. Stay tuned for the announcement! Or, consider one of the wonderful workshops approved as alternative pathways for Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioners.
Approved alternative pathways for bodyworkers to become Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioners
Integral Touch of Birth

Northern Lights Wellness Professional Education’s Integral Touch of Birth workshop is being offered in Duluth, MN March 4-7 2020! These 4-days of advanced education for bodyworkers are transformative. Take your pregnancy care skills to another level!
Dynamic Body Balancing
All Upcoming Events
7 – Atlanta, GA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan – SOLD OUT
7-8 – Paris, France – Spinning Babies®️ Workshop 2 Jours avec Nikki Zerfas
8 – San Diego, CA – Spinning Babies® Resolving Shoulder Dystocia & Breech Basics w/ Nicole Morales
8 – Atlanta, GA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan – SOLD OUT
9-10 – Salvador, BA/Brazil – Oficina Spinning Babies® 2 dias com Maira Libertad – SOLD OUT
14 – Kerrville, TX – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan – SOLD OUT
14 – Newberg, OR – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
14-15 – Budapest, Hungary – Spinning Babies® with Jennifer Walker – SOLD OUT
3 – Turnersville, NJ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams – SOLD OUT
4 – Turnersville, NJ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
13 – Duluth, MN – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas – SOLD OUT
15-16 – Singapore – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan
18 – Phoenix, AZ – Spinning Babies® Integration Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
18 – Reno, NV – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
18 – Washington DC – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams – SOLD OUT
19 – Phoenix, AZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
20 – Toledo, OH – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
21 – Davis, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas – SOLD OUT
23 – Las Vegas, NV – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas – SOLD OUT
24 – Las Vegas, NV – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
24 – Jackson, MS – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan – SOLD OUT
25-26 – Recife, PE/Brazil – Oficina Spinning Babies® 2 dias com Maíra Libertad – SOLD OUT
28-29 – Walpole, MA – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Lorenza Holt
28-29 – Recife, PE/Brazil – Oficina Spinning Babies® 2 dias com Maíra Libertad
1 – Virginia Beach, VA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
1-2 – Missoula, MT – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
1-2 – Botucatu, São Paulo/Brasil – Oficina Spinning Babies® 2 dias com Maíra Libertad
2 – Virginia Beach, VA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
3-4 – Gorinchem, Netherlands – Spinning Babies® 2 dag Workshop met Jennifer Walker (nederlandstalig)
5 – Rockford, IL – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
8 – Eustis, FL – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan – SOLD OUT
8-9 – Tallinn, Estonia – 2-Day Spinning Babies® w/ Jennifer Walker
9 – San Diego, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tema Mercado
10-13 – San Diego, CA – Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop
11 – Sydney, NSW, Australia – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan
12 – Sydney, NSW, Australia – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan
14 – Liberty, OH – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams – SOLD OUT
16-17 – Lakewood, NJ – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro
19 – Somers Point, NJ – Labor and Birth with Spinning Babies® w/ Rachel Shapiro
20 – Somers Point, NJ – Spinning Babies® Resolving Shoulder Dystocia and Breech Basics w/ Rachel Shapiro
21 – Auckland, NZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
23 – Palo Alto, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Gail Tully
23-24 – Monsey, NY – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro
25 – San Jose, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Gail Tully
26 – San Jose, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Gail Tully
27 – Christchurch, NZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
27 – Dothan, AL – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
28 – Dothan, AL – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
27 – Vernal, UT – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
28 – Vernal, UT – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
29 Fev-01 Mar – Porto Alegre, RS/Brazil – Oficina Spinning Babies® 2 dias com Maíra Libertad
MARCH 2020
2 – Whitefish, MT – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
3 – Corpus Christi, TX – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
4 – Whitefish, MT – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
5 – Monticello, MN – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Gail Tully
6 – Monticello, MN – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Gail Tully
7 – Richmond, VA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
7 – Bakersfield, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
8 – Bakersfield, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
10 – Westerville, OH – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan – SOLD OUT
11-12 – Melbourne, VIC, Australia – 2-days Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
14 – Valparaiso, IN – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
16-17 – Brighton, England, UK – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro
19 – Cardiff, South Wales, UK – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro
19-20 – Brooklyn, NY – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Lorenza Holt
21-22 – Essaouira, Morocco – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
23-24 – Bristol, England, UK – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro
25 – Rotorua, NZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
27 – Hamilton, NZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
27 – Armagh, Northern Ireland – Spinning Babies® w/ Jennifer Walker
28-29 – Armagh, Northern Ireland – 2-Day Spinning Babies® w/ Jennifer Walker
28-29 – Bloomsburg, PA – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Lorenza Holt
30 – Westwood, NJ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
30-31 – London, England, UK – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro
31 – New Plymouth, NZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
APRIL 2020
2 – Wichita, KS – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
3-4 – Cork, Ireland – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
4 – Columbia, MD – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
4 – Tacoma, WA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
4-5 – Nyon, Switzerland – Spinning Babies® w/ Jennifer Walker
5 – Tacoma, WA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
5-6 – Dublin, Ireland – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
6 – Abington, PA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
15 – Altoona, PA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
18-19 – Riverside, CA – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tema Mercado
18-19 – Namur, Belgium – 2-Day Spinning Babies®️ Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
19 – Manchester, CT – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
20 – New Haven, CT – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
23 – Livonia, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
24 – Livonia, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
25 – Livonia, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
25 – Southfield, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
26 – Southfield, MI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Kelly Dungan
29 – Dodge City, KS – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
MAY 2020
4-5 – Tumut, NSW, Australia – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
8-9 – Sydney, NSW, Australia – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
11-12 – Newcastle, NSW, Australia – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
13-16 – Austin, TX – Spinning Babies® Parent Educator Training
16 – Green Bay, WI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
16-17 – Montréal, Québec/Canada – Spinning Babies®️ Workshop 2 Jours avec Nikki Zerfas
17 – Green Bay, WI – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
18 – San Francisco, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nicole Morales
19 – San Francisco, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nicole Morales
18-21 – Rishon LeZion – Spinning Babies® Parent Educator Training
21-22 – Auckland, NZ – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
28-29 – Brisbane, QLD, Australia – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
29 – Wellington, NZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
30 – Franklin, TN – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
30-31 – Northern Rivers Area, NSW, Australia – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
JUNE 2020
1 – Lawrenceburg, IN – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
2 – Lawrenceburg, IN – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
2-5 – Schladming, Austria – Spinning Babies® Parent Educator Training
3-4 – Cairns, QLD, Australia – 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
5 – San Antonio, TX – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
6 – San Antonio, TX – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Tammy Ryan
6 – New York, NY – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
9-10 – Christchurch, NZ – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
13-14 – Beamsville, ON, Canada – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rhea Williams
18-19 – Ubud, Bali, Indonesia- 2 Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Fiona Hallinan & Jenny Blyth
29 – Chico, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
JULY 2020
1 – Chico, CA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
6 – Tauranga, NZ – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
16 – Mattoon, IL – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
17 – Mattoon, IL – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
28-31 – Boston, MA – Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training
11-12 – Wellington, NZ – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
17-18 – Hamilton, NZ – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Claire Eccleston
13-14 – Copenhagen, Denmark – 2-Day Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Rachel Shapiro
23 – Moses Lake, WA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
24 – Moses Lake, WA – Spinning Babies® Workshop w/ Nikki Zerfas
15 – Caloundra, Australia – Spinning Babies® Workshop
16 – Caloundra, Australia – Spinning Babies® Workshop
19 – Caloundra, Australia – Emerging Nonmedical Interventions
19-22 – Caloundra, Australia – Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop
20-23 – Caloundra, Australia – Spinning Babies® Parent Educator Training
See all upcoming events on our calendar here.
Bordoni, B., Simonelli, M., & Morabito, B. (2019). The other side of the fascia: The smooth muscle part 1. Cureus, 11(5). doi: 10.7759/cureus.4651
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Stevens, J., Schmied, V., Burns, E., & Dahlen, H. G. (2019). Skin-to-skin contact and what women want in the first hours after a caesarean section. Midwifery, 74, 140–146.
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Vittner, D., Butler, S., Smith, K., Makris, N., Samra, H., & McGrath, J. (2019). Skin-to-skin contact activates oxytocin release and correlates to parent engagement. Developmental Observer, 12(1), 12.
Widström, A. M., Brimdyr, K., Svensson, K., Cadwell, K., & Nissen, E. (2020). A plausible pathway of imprinted behaviors: Skin-to-skin actions of the newborn immediately after birth follow the order of fetal development and intrauterine training of movements. Medical Hypotheses, 134, 109432.
WikiIslam. (n.d.) Parallelism: Mary, Jesus and the palm tree. Retrieved November 25, 2019. https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Parallelism:_Mary,_Jesus_and_the_Palm_Tree