Marketing Birth

Hospitals spend millions to draw parents each year. What are we in the natural birth and home birth movement doing to make birth “as nature intended” attractive to parents?

Today I attended a Writers’ Festival in my town’s city hall. That’d be Bloomington, Minnesota.
Marketing You and Your Book was a panel discussion that lured me in. Of course, I apply everything to birth. So while I was learning to promote a book I haven’t finished writing yet, I was thinking how I could apply this knowledge to a world wide birth activist movement.
Three enthusiastic women presented, Mary Jo Sherwood from Marketing Volumes, Barb Tabor a media relations pro, and Lauri Flaquer from Saltar Solutions, auther of Ready, Set, Soar.

Lauri talked about branding yourself and your work. It took myself and most of the audience some time to get what she was talking about. It seems branding means developing a simple and easily identified theme connecting your work with a feeling. She even said some companies were marketing smells, but while I might love that vernix scent, some people might shy away from the smell of birth as a lure. Anyway, what she meant was let your product, say, your website, be instantly identifiable. Not only your logo, but your purpose and even your personality. I’m still trying to digest the concept. I think I kinda get it.

Lauri says Branding is creating a perspective of you. I’m not sure what that perspective is for Spinning Babies. But maybe you do.

Please help me by sending me a post or an email to say how does Spinning Babies seem to you. What words would you use to de your feeling or your sense of Spinning Babies Website?
Give some words like, intelligent, casual, friendly, empowering… feel free to tell it like it is.

And what would you like it to be?

I want to redesign it and am hoping for lots of feed back. Take a minute and make a big difference.

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.