Comfort Tips

Comfort Tips

Women who can’t sleep, have start and stop contractions, feel achy in the pelvis, hips, or back, or who feel pain when the baby kicks may enjoy the results of the following techniques for increased pregnancy comfort:

  • Walking briskly for 1-3 miles (2-5 kilometers) a day
  • Doing yoga hip-opening stretches
  • Performing a bridge pose
  • Sitting in a chair and squeezing a ball between your knees, and then your thighs during the exhale
  • Do Forward-leaning Inversions every day
  • Try Side-lying Release once a day for a few days, and then weekly
  • Sleep on either side with a long pillow between your knees and ankles (but not just knees)
  • Do 20 Pelvic Tilts and then add a slow, long wiggle side-to-side while doing another 10 Pelvic Tilts
  • Drink 2.5 liters of water and take one good electrolyte drink a day (just not the sugary sports kinds)
  • Add salt to taste in your food and eat lots of dark green veggies
  • Drink pregnancy tea with a red raspberry leaf base (not raspberry-flavored black tea, however)
  • Consume food-based iron (Shiff brand vegetarian iron supplement, Floradex with iron, millet, red veggies and Fava, pinto beans, etc.)
  • Avoid constipation – drink 12 ounces of warm water first thing in the morning. Wait 10-20 minutes before any tea or food.
  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep!
  • Laughter may not be the best medicine, but it sure does help!
  • Orgasm (enough said)

After a week, if you’re still uncomfortable, seek a bodyworker such as an osteopath or a chiropractor. Getting a myofascial massage, Maya massage (not the same as a pregnancy massage), or craniosacral therapy may also help.

For a more detailed list of activities you can do to bring comfort to your pregnancy, check out our daily activities page. Or, you can watch our Daily Essentials video, which will lead you through all 13 activities.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.