Inversion after baby flips?

Spinning Babies <p>
Several women have emailed in asking what they should do after their breech babies flipped to head down. At this time, I recommend continuing to do a short, 30-second inversion on most days. Here is Chiropractor and Craniosacral Therapist, Carol Phillips helping a mother do an inversion and an inset to show the uterus hanging from the cervical ligaments. See more at Spinning Babies.</p>
<p>I believe the same soft tissue causes of breech are the soft tissue causes of posterior (excluding septums, anterior placentas, bony pelvis).
The breech baby, who flips head down late in pregnancy, after 33 weeks, let's say, in the 34-40+ weeks, and flips after the mother has had body work, done inversions, or some action to flip her baby,
is likely to settle in a posterior position.
So if the baby has his or her back on the mother's right, and or hands in front wiggling near the bladder (not a thump of the head, but a wiggle of the hands), then the recommendation is to continue the soft body work, including inversions. See inversions on the Spinning Babies website. Look under Techniques and scroll down to find Inversion.</p>
Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.
Several women have emailed in asking what they should do after their breech babies flipped to head down. At this time, I recommend continuing to do a short, 30-second inversion on most days. Here is Chiropractor and Craniosacral Therapist, Carol Phillips helping a mother do an inversion and an inset to show the uterus hanging from the cervical ligaments. See more at Spinning Babies.

I believe the same soft tissue causes of breech are the soft tissue causes of posterior (excluding septums, anterior placentas, bony pelvis).
The breech baby, who flips head down late in pregnancy, after 33 weeks, let’s say, in the 34-40+ weeks, and flips after the mother has had body work, done inversions, or some action to flip her baby,
is likely to settle in a posterior position.
So if the baby has his or her back on the mother’s right, and or hands in front wiggling near the bladder (not a thump of the head, but a wiggle of the hands), then the recommendation is to continue the soft body work, including inversions. See inversions on the Spinning Babies website. Look under Techniques and scroll down to find Inversion.

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.

Daily Essentials

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