Flipping Good News

There have been several emails and calls about breech babies that have flipped. And a few born vaginally breech. 

Jenny Varela shares her daughter’s flipping success in her blog, 

Heavenly Treasure. Jenny visited my site www.SpinningBabies.com at the suggestion of her midwife Sheila Simms Watson, CPM, LMOwner and Founder of Spirit of Life Birth Center in Miami, Florida. Sheila is an amazing Spirit herself! She and I recently spent the day together at Tamara Taitt’s Gathering Place in Miami going over the Spinning Babies theories and techniques with two dozen doulas and midwives, childbirth educators and Tamara, a marriage and family therapist and pregnant womens’ advocate. Check out Shiela’s website, it truly is an online village for raising babies from womb to walking and more!

Jenny writes so warmly and wonderfully about the adventure of flipping her baby! Her confidence and practical enjoyment working with her baby inspires me to share her story! 

Be sure to visit her blog posting. She wrote me this email, 

Just want to thank you for this site! It helped so much! 

Our baby was born oct 18th! 
I wrote a little blog about her breech
Thanks so much! 
Love and. Blessings,”
Spinning Babies  
Melbourne, Florida Spinning Babies with the Manteado

At the same time I was finding Jenny’s email I had received this text from Lisa Gonzales
Doula and activist, and the two pregnant volunteers who came to our 
Melbourne, Florida workshop this past February. 

They’ve had their babies and such news!

Usually I have only one volunteer at a workshop but 
Samantha needed to come as she was 37 weeks 
pregnant with a breech baby. And a goodly sized child she was!

She was so open to experiencing her baby flip or to have her vaginally breech. 
We even discussed whether I might be in town to help her at home or
 if she might fly up to Atlanta for one of two 
breech friendly do
cs there. 

Shortly after our time together doing exercises to balance her pelvis and getting upside down
to help her baby flex her head and then somersault, she did just that. She was then born head down, 
Amanda was 40 weeks and 6 days pregnant 
with her second baby when she came and baby was posterior and a good size. 
As long as they were with us, I asked them to stay 
through the lunch hour to get the most work we could do together. 
I did a bit of BodyBalancing with each of them. 
Spinning Babies  


Here’s Lisa’s update on 
the Melbourne Spinning Babies Mama’s and new babies.

Samantha and Baby Easton 10 lb. 12 oz.
Amanda and Baby Logan 10 lb. 4 oz.
We are all meeting tonight and wanted to share the baby love.”


Wow! That’s a lot of flippin’ and spinnin’! Both women had quick births, thankfully. What a joy!




Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog. www.spinningbabies.com

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.