Confluence of Birth and Bodyworker

Like two rivers merging to flourish the earth, the Spinning Babies 2016 World Confluence joins birth and bodyworkers to address the increasing rates of fetal positioning challenges.
This conference brings top names in birth and bodywork together with rising stars whom you may not have heard of yet.

Wednesday, September 21, we’ll invite our international and other long distance travelers to attend a Spinning Babies Workshop. There will be a local Spinning Babies Workshop in Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN and one in Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2.5 hour drive to the SW of St. Paul, MN) this Spring and Summer for regional birth workers. See the calendar for more US and international workshops.  Attending this workshop will only make the conference that much more comprehensible and raise the value of your learning. (7 continue education credits or CEUs. Registration will appear at the end of February, you will want to register fast!)

Thursday, September 22nd offers pre-conference workshops (with 5 or 7 continuing education credits per 5 or 7 hour workshop). See the details for Thursday pre-conferences with Carol Phillips, DC; Phyllis Klaus, on Hypnosis and other BodyMind approaches to complications of pregnancy particularly premature labor and hyperemesis gravidarum – a great preparation to understand how to work with women, including hypnosis for women with breech babies which she covers on Friday afternoon); Angelina Martinez Miranda, Mexican Midwife; Adrienne Caldwell, MT;  Jenny Blyth and Fionna Hallinan, Australia’s Birthwork trainers; Sarah Longacre, Prenatal Yoga Instructor Trainer, on integrating Daily Essentials into your yoga studio offerings – she’ll get you moving!; and myself on Belly Mapping for pregnant parents for a 2 hour presentation which includes painting a few bellies (no CEUs).

Friday, September 23rd is “Interest Track” day, with quality presentations on current birth and bodywork topics:

Penny Simkin gives 4 presentations with her excellent presentations which are worth gold to providers and birth activists alike. Professionals and educators across the birth spectrum find her quality presentations changing practice and approach. The world of birth workers have praise for Penny on their lips at every given minute around the world.

The first baby I (unexpectedly) caught was my friend’s breech baby girl. So it’s a natural for me to have a day on breech for providers. I’ve invited Jane Evans and Anke Reitter because these two give a concrete and practical understanding of how the baby moves through the pelvis o,r gets stuck – and unstuck! In this track, I present a new conference learning technique I call, since so many of us are birthies, “Precipitous Presentations” which are 18 minute presentations on a single important point from a speaker’s topic. Friday, Adrienne Caldwell does a single technique for turning a breech, Phyllis Klaus presents on Mindbody for turning a breech and Angelina Martinez Miranda talks about the beauty of breech birth from a traditional Mexican perspective. Take notice! Angelina will be teaching on traditional midwifery practices for pregnancy on Thursday! A panel with Obstetrician Dennis Hartung, Midwife Nicole Morales, and parents of breech babies brings us back from lunch. Anke Reitter, Jane Evans, and I will go into detail with providers about breech birth complications and the practical solutions of rotation and flexion to save lives.

Jenny Blyth and Fiona Hallinan are the Birthwork duo from Australia that can’t be missed! Follow them to San Francisco after the conference where they’ll give their complete workshop for 3-days on the pelvis, pelvic floor, and more. It’s experiential and movement based. And a lot of fun!

Penny Simkin will start Saturday’s discussion with her Opening Keynote Presentation on how Spinning Babies fits into birth trends and Dr. Anke Reitter will discuss her study (with Andrew Bisits and Betty Anne Daviss) on pelvic diameter changes with maternal position change. I will follow with the new way to look at birth preparation and progress with Spinning Babies approach to birth anatomy and care.

Learn more here about who else is coming as I receive their contracts – and commitments!

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.