Coalition for Breech Birth Conference

Life made sure I went to the Coalition for Breech Birth Conference in Ottawa, Canada.

Robin Guy and her Coalition co-madres joined efforts with Midwife Betty-Anne Daviss. They brought several top breech experts to Canada to share their hope to continue vaginal breech birth on Earth. Starting with Dr.s Andre’ Lelonde and Robert Gagnon of the SOCG and ending with Ina May Gaskin, I also got to meet Jane Evans of the UK.

Jane reminds me so much of my late partner and friend, Jan Hofer. They both so get birth and what’s important without getting lost in the mental maze, and at the same time, Jane Evans explained breech cardinal movements so well that several of the OBs were saying that now the lights were on. Now they got it and would be trying hands and knees breech birth when they got back to their cities.
Dr.s Frank Louwen and Anke Reitter came with cheerful stats on knees and elbows position (hands and knees, but without straining the wrists). Of 300 breech births with mothers using “knees and elbow” position, only 2 needed help with extended arms and head, even the footlings. Even the primes. This correlates perfectly with midwife observations of hands and knees breech births. Hands-off-the-breech really means hands off. They also didn’t touch the baby, basically until trying to catch the baby in mid air before the baby hit the mattress. Hands-off doesn’t mean don’t touch until the umbilical cord is out, but rather until the head has just come out past the parietal bones and you prevent a fall.

So check these resources for current breech conversations
Society for Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Canada Guidelines for Vaginal Breech Birth
Stand and Deliver
Hands off the Breech by Jane Evans

Unexpected Cesarean due to Surprise Breech Baby

and of course, The Breech info has been reorganized, made simpler, but more detailed.

Have fun surfing, there’s lots more, but I have to go make dinner…

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.

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Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.