Can Breech Twins Be Helped to Flip Head Down?


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Resolution of a Twin Breech Presentation with the Application of Webster and Diversified Chiropractic Technique
A case study of a mama with breech twins. Read the article at 

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health


Danita Thomas Heagy, D.C.Bio & Shawn Wrubel, D.C. Bio 


Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2012 ~ Issue 4 ~ Pages 118-121


Clinical Features: A 28 year old pregnant patient of twins presented to the chiropractor with a diagnosis of a breech presentation by her obstetrician at 30 weeks gestation. 
Intervention and Outcome: Over a nine-day period of time the patient was analyzed and adjusted according to her findings.  Both Gonstead and Webster analysis were utilized during each appointment.  After the patient underwent five adjustments over three weeks her obstetrician confirmed that the involved twin was in cephalic lie.
Its lovely to see this article from the Chiropractic Community. Thanks, Dr. Danita, for taking the time to share your experience! A lot of mamas are going to appreciate this approach. I’m glad this Mom had her twins naturally! (Not the twins in the photo, that was another mama who had her twins naturally.)
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