Spinning Babies® COVID-19 Event Policy

Spinning Babies® COVID-19 Event Policies

The health and safety of everyone attending our training is our highest priority. We are taking preventative measures for all of our workshops to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, but we cannot eliminate all risks. Each participant is responsible for their health and safety within the workshop group. Our safety measures include, but are not limited to, making sure all participants are monitoring themselves before and during the event.

Please be sure the following statements are TRUE:

  1.  I am not experiencing any symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
  2.  I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
  3.  I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
  4. I have been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 AND I have been cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.

If a Spinning Babies® Workshop, Certified Parent Educator (SpBCPE) Training or Aware Practitioner (AP) Workshop is Cancelled by Spinning Babies®

If cancellation of the event is deemed necessary, based on local health guidelines or travel restrictions, participants will be notified as soon as possible via email, and the full registration fee will be refunded. Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodations,  and related expenses.

If a Participant Needs to Cancel Due to COVID-19 Exposure or Local Pandemic Restrictions

Please refrain from attending a workshop if you have symptoms that may be related to COVID-19. 

  • Most common symptoms: fever, dry cough, tiredness
  • Less common symptoms: aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes

Those who are experiencing cold or allergy symptoms, which may be unrelated to COVID-19, a negative COVID-19 test is an appropriate measure before attending a workshop.

If any participant is unable to attend their scheduled Spinning Babies® Workshop due to having COVID-19 or recent exposure, please let us know prior to the first day of the workshop. Your fee may be transferred towards registration for a future workshop with the same trainer, at the discretion of the Approved Trainer.

Please note: The Spinning Babies® Workshop refund policy is at the discretion of each trainer and will vary based on who is teaching your particular workshop. If you have questions prior to or after registering for an event, please contact the trainer directly.

In the case of the Advanced Trainings (SpBCE or AP), if you are unable to attend your scheduled workshop due to having COVID-19 or recent exposure to COVID-19, you may use your paid fee towards a future Advanced Training or Spinning Babies® conference within 1 year of the original event date. 

If any participant is unable to attend their scheduled Spinning Babies® Advanced Training due to COVID-19 border closures or gathering restrictions put in place by their local state, county or government, please let us know as soon as possible prior to the first day of the workshop. You may choose a refund or use your paid fee towards a future Advanced Training or Spinning Babies® conference within 1 year of the original event date. 

If a participant cancellation occurs due to any reason unrelated to COVID-19, the cancellation policy for each Spinning Babies® Workshop or Advanced Training will apply.

Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and related expenses and Spinning Babies® is unable to reimburse these expenses.

Last updated July 16, 2021.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.