Blizzard of Breeches

I love this story, so romantic, in the sense of a baby coming during a blizzard.

Guess the baby wanted to test the temp and put his little toes out first. I’d love to know the details.
Meanwhile, a midwife texted me that she had a surprise breech with a first time mom. This baby came with the feet and buttocks together. Yes, you see the feet first, but the bottom opens the cervix wonderfully. If the baby is full term and the cord is in its proper place, the birth goes well, as it did in this case. First time mom, refused to go to the hospital, and had a lovely birth.
Hung out with a fun group today, Martha Low, my videographer and video editor came today to shoot another part of the Resolving Shoulder Dystocia video. I felt I left out some instruction in the first go round. Nickie and Rebecca were coming to be the midwives and oops, I forgot to ask a pregnant woman to come and play with us. Its 10 am and I’m calling all around to find a woman due now or soon to be the actress for the mother. Now its a sunny day and the roads were dry and not many were home. Liz said she and her children could come, though she was super busy. But I knew Martha would want quiet on the set. Hmm, more calls, Alisa would come but she isn’t due till March and her cute little tummy might seem a bit petite for a full term Mom in labor. What to do? Oh, of course! Call Sarah Longacre. Running Blooma, she knows a lot of pregnant women!! Not only did she suggest some wonderful women, like Rose, who didn’t answer but would have been perfect, but she even starting calling women herself. Nickie also began calling, unbeknownst to me and texted that she found may have found a mama. A baby sitter had to be found first, though. At the same time Jess called, reintroducing herself -we’d met some months before at a Belly Mapping and painting evening – and she had the afternoon free. Since her gestating twins were of her first pregnancy, she could just come on over!
And though she has two months to go, her belly was the perfect size! And what a trooper! She had baby after baby, all my singleton Childbirth Graphics doll, and had to go through all sorts of position changes. All the while I reassured her, I’ve never known twins to have shoulder dystocia!
She’s got a honey of an OB helping her and her partner birth these babies, plus doula Sarah Longacre. She wasn’t fazed.
I’m excited for the addition to the DVD. All previous buyers can send their old Resolving Shoulder Dystocia DVDs in for a free replacement any time during or after March 2011. We have a more clear enactment of FlipFLOP, we show 5 types of shoulder dystocia and a common complication of shoulder dystocia (that’s a redundancy!), and Rebecca repeats the posterior arm removal. This time Rebecca helps out a doll, and we will put it so that viewers see this just before we see the animated stills of her doing the same technique with her baby daughter. Each illustration gets more and more detailed!
What a fun and busy day.
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Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.