Birthing in the Field

Hi Gail,
I thought I’d send you a link to my blog where the birth story for Adeline Louise is located
The Inversion worked to turn her from breech to vertex but like her sister before her, AddyLou decided to present in the persistent ROT-Posterior presentation, then oddly, she rotated on the perineum so that her face was then fully looking at my right thigh. We had about 45 seconds of shoulder dystocia and then both her shoulders birthed at once. Miraculously my perineum was intact but for skid marks.
…I especially appreciated your website with this pregnancy for all the information and inspiration I found there. Knowing I had an anterior placenta, a transverse baby who moved to breech before vertex, then a persistently “mal” positioned baby was stressful but I took comfort and strength from the information and stories on your site.
While this third labor and birth was longer and more physically/emotionally challenging for me 7 hours to get an 8lbs 10 ounce, interestingly positioned baby out is really pretty good. Not a cake walk, for sure, but doable.
Thanks for all you do!

Brenda Sutherland-Field


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Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.