BellyraMa and Belly Painting

BellyraMA was glorious! 200 yoga mamas, pregnant and new, dads, doulas – and me! Painting bellies along the lake was bliss. The video is too small.

“Throughout the day I have received such positive energy from people reacting to your painting – the energy flowing through me right now is incredible! I feel so grateful… for one, grateful for the attention and love you gave our baby, [husband] and myself. Thank you!” said Hannah, who is due now.

Spinning Babies BellyraMA was glorious! 200 yoga mamas, pregnant and new, dads, doulas - and me! Painting bellies along the lake was bliss. The video is too small.Alisa let this painting announce her new baby to the community!

Her Blooma and Childbirth Collective friends came up and said,

“Does this mean what I think it means?”

Here’s a 27 week baby peaking out at us. Don’t worry, she’ll get head down soon.

Spinning Babies BellyraMA was glorious! 200 yoga mamas, pregnant and new, dads, doulas - and me! Painting bellies along the lake was bliss. The video is too small.

See Gail’s list of coming events at Spinning Babies and…classes and events.

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.