Belly Mapping Workbook at Baby Expo

Tomorrow – er, um, later today, my family and I will be greeting expectant mothers and fathers at the Minnesota Baby and Kid Expo at the Belly Mapping Table. I’ll also be presenting Belly Mapping and also facilitate an Optimal Fetal Positioning discussion.
We’ll be chatting with visitors and selling the new Belly Mapping Workbook from Maternity House Publishing. Its 48-pages packed with illustrations and a cool transparency to help women in the third trimester interpret their baby’s position in the womb. Nearly half the book covers what to do in pregnancy and labor for optimal fetal positioning.
Soon, it will be on sale through the above link to, and at the Spinning Babies Website for $14.95 plus shipping and handling. Come to the Baby Expo and get the book without paying for shipping and handling. We hope to be back to the Mpls Convention Center for the fall Minnesota Baby Expo in October.

Come visit the blog. Spinning Babies Blog.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.