Become An Aware Practitioner

Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Membership Listing

How to join the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner (SpBAP) Membership Listing:

  1. Complete a 1-day or 2-day Spinning Babies® Workshop within 3 calendar years before attending the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop.
  2. Complete the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshop, or one of the alternative workshops listed below.
  3. Submit the SpBAP Application for listing, including:
    1. A brief bio or description of your work as a practitioner.
    2. Signed copy of Spinning Babies code of ethics and scope of practice.
    3. Signed copy of the Aware Practitioner Agreement.
    4. Pay the annual $100 membership listing fee.
  4. Email with the following:
    1. Headshot to be used for your listing
    2. Certificate of completion

Alternative pathway to join the Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Membership Listing:

  1. Complete two 1-day or 2-day Spinning Babies® Workshops, one of which must be completed within 3 years before applying to become a SpBAP.
  2. Complete one of these approved Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Workshops:
  3. Submit the Alternative SpBAP Application for listing, including:
    1. A brief bio or description of your work as a practitioner.
    2. Signed copy of Spinning Babies code of ethics and scope of practice.
    3. Signed copy of the Aware Practitioner Agreement.
    4. Pay the annual $100 membership listing fee.
  4. Send the headshot that you’d like to use in your listing to

Daily Essentials

Play Video about windmills

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.