Scoliosis and Spinning Babies®

pregnant woman touching back

Scoliosis and Pregnancy Scoliosis is a misaligned curvature of the spine. The shoulders or hips may be uneven. Most births aren’t affected in a noticeable way by scoliosis. It doesn’t affect fertility or length of gestation. If the lower spine curves dramatically into the path of the baby, the baby may not be able to […]

Monthly Update: Supporting birth during COVID-19, finding your baby's position, and more!

skin to skin

In this month’s update: How Spinning Babies® is offering relevant support for families giving birth at this crucial time The latest research and evidence recommending skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth How to get an estimate of your baby’s position by the wiggles you feel during the third trimester Upcoming events and how we are exploring a […]

Gail Tully To Be Recognized by The Women’s Health Leadership TRUST

Gail Tully

Gail Tully Among 18 Women Chosen for Making a Significant Contribution to the Health Care Sector Spinning Babies® is proud to announce that our Founder Gail Tully has been selected as a recipient of the 2020 Women’s Health Leadership TRUST Award in the Health and Well-Being category. The TRUST Awards celebrate Minnesota women and companies […]

Monthly Update: Activating Pelvic Function, VBAC Tips, Online Classes, and More!

ball squeeze

In this month’s update: A message from our Founder Gail Tully Advice from Gail on enhancing balance plus pelvic and bladder function Tips for having a VBAC and reducing pain in vaginal birth How you can take an Online, Guided Spinning Babies® Parent Class Announcing our new online course: Resolving Shoulder Dystocia Get the latest […]

Daily Essentials With a Toddler

Daily Activities for Pregnancy Spinning Babies

Balancing caring for a toddler and pregnancy can be challenging, especially when it comes to exercising. Spinning Babies® has your back with the Daily Essentials video: a simple series of activities to keep your body active as you progress through your pregnancy that you can do from the comfort of your home. The Daily Essentials […]

Engaging Baby in the Pelvis

Abdominal Lift and Tuck

Engaging Baby in the Pelvis After 38 weeks’ gestation, some first babies are already dropping into the brim at the top of the pelvis. Engagement is baby’s first move toward getting born. But it’s not labor yet. Labor may even be a couple weeks off yet! (So many first labors begin beautifully at 41 weeks […]

When a Person Is Told They Have an Unstable Lie

forward-leaning inversion

Lie means how the baby lies in the womb. The head-down baby is in a vertical lie, sometimes called cephalic to use a Latin term to mean the head is coming. Breech is an old English term to mean the baby’s pelvis is coming first. Both a head up (breech) and a head-down (cephalic) baby are […]

Twelve Steps to Empowering Birth Preparation

pregnant woman flexing

A seeker gains a new perspective of living by a series of awakened actions. In the 12-step recovery culture, the twelve action steps focus on moving from the victimization of alcoholism or substance addiction, or, as in Alanon, overcoming the havoc these addictions have on the belief systems of loved-ones. Individuals are empowered in their […]

Monthly Update: The Mother and Child Were Born – in Fascia

shake the apples demonstrated by gail tully

In this month’s update: Spinning Babies® founder Gail Tully ties in one of our most effective labor techniques with the nativity story ? Learn how to obtain trust and calmness from the birth giver while using the Shake The Apple Tree ? technique Watch video testimonies ? from Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training participants […]

Birth Story: Preventing Asynclitism

Gail teaching workshop

From our Nov. 2019 Newsletter: Adding Balance to Prevent Asynclitism in Pregnancy A common cause of a long labor is baby being asynclitic. The labor may be long from the beginning, but often labor starts well and then slows down during transition. Pushing can take hours. Five hours is common with a baby whose head […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.