Why Didn’t it Work?

Why didn’t it work? Many birthing parents come to us with this question. In this month’s newsletter, we are looking at that in-depth with an exploration of the Models of Birth and Spectrum of Ease. You might notice that at Spinning Babies® our name implies we begin with the baby. We get pregnant and birthing […]
10 Daily Activities to Reduce Diastasis Recti
Is your abdomen bulging due to increased pressure on your abdominal wall during pregnancy? Perhaps you only notice this when doing the Forward-leaning Inversion, the upside down position we dehttps://www.spinningbabies.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/sample3-1.png for daily pregnancy care in the last half of pregnancy? Abdominal bulging or noticing a shallow track down the middle of your growing belly […]
To “type” is human; to shape is divine

February 2022 letter to our community, As we emerge into a more equitable society, research in birth is also becoming more equitable. Today researchers are questioning past studies of the pelvis, for instance, where the conclusions were biased to white women. European descendants made up the majority of the political and economic leadership in the […]
Tis The Gift To Be Simple Song
A magic moment happened in our very first Spinning Babies® Parent Educator Training in April, 2018. Yes, the blizzard of a century hit St. Paul, MN and we could not walk safely on the icy sidewalks, not even to dinner. But this was also the moment that Rachel Shapiro wrote an impromptu version of the […]
Is Spinning Babies® Necessary?

“Is it necessary to do Spinning Babies® (The Three Balances℠, Daily Activities) if the baby is head down and no indication that will change? LOA at 32 weeks now.” I rarely use the word necessary. Breathing is necessary, so is drinking water and eating food. I’ve come to believe touch and love are necessary, too, […]
Once the Water Releases

The amniotic fluid around the baby is protective and helpful in pregnancy and birthing. In birth, the water in the womb is known to protect the head during descent, and I believe able to aid in fetal rotation by cushioning and by the uterine contraction creating a current passing the baby’s head. “Amniotic fluid is […]
Three Balances Visit Plan & Timeline for Your Clients

Do you feel confident in how you encourage a birthing person to try Spinning Babies® approach in their birth? How do you choose what to say to support physiological prenatal preparation? To help your clients know how to use Spinning Babies® Three Balances we offer providers a visit plan. Spinning Babies® is interested in helping […]
Birthing Fathers? A PRIDE Month email.

June 2021 letter to our community from our founder: June. The month of weddings, the month of Pride, Father’s Day, and Juneteenth. During this month, I’m traveling with my 13-year-old niece who takes Pride in stride. For her, the variations in how people love and draw together are as normal and interesting as a rainbow, […]
Forward-leaning Inversion advanced tips
Tips for Forward-leaning Inversion Before doing Forward-leaning Inversion (FLI), warm up your body. The risk of a fall is higher if your shoulders are stiff, or if you move too fast: Do ten shoulder rolls forward and ten shoulder rolls backward. Roll your neck slowly. Have a plan to “walk your hands” down to […]
Introducing The Jiggle and Reflections on Why We Stopped Teaching the Rebozo

From our April 2021 letter to our community from our founder: The Spring of 2021 has begun in the Northern Hemisphere. As the season begins, equity and justice are priorities in our world and work. Birth reflects our larger society. Birth equity is when all births, including Black and Indigenous births, have equally good outcomes. […]
When baby moves from left to right

Pictured: Gail Tully belly painting her goddaughter. “Painting the baby in the belly impresses even the warrior with the wonder of pregnancy.” Excerpt from the March 2021 letter to our community: Dear Community, Spinning Babies® brings nuances to light in how we think about birth preparation. We offer enough simplicity for parents to engage […]
Open the Outlet birth story

From our February 2021 letter to our community, Moving through all the events of 2020 and January 2021, new paradigms arise among human endeavors. The structures created by human thinking are evolving by sharing new perspectives. People step beyond previous boundaries of power, race, and human connection. Where we are confronted we must look within […]