Spinning Babies Revisiting our Core Values helps us at Spinning Babies® to remember how we serve our community.

Revisiting our Core Values helps us at Spinning Babies® to remember how we serve our community.

    1. We see birth from a different perspective.
    2. We bring people together.
    3. Real on every level.
    4. We inspire trust.
    5. Gutsy enough to change birth on earth.
    6. We believe you can…your way.

The Work of Spinning Babies® Reflects Sincere Commitment

The human experience of childbirth can be nurtured to express our rights and ability to enjoy our innate physiology. Simply put, we help birth givers find ways to connect with their own bodies for the profound result of comfort in pregnancy and ease in birth. We believe that pregnancy, birth and postpartum are a sacred time for parents and babies. How we experience the transition from pregnancy to parenting is deeply impactful on those giving birth, and those being born. The quality of our choices reflect our social understanding as well as the options available.

Choice Is in Education, Hope Is in Inspiration

Birth choices do increase when you know what is possible, but it is the willingness to make that choice real, to choose beyond the usual intervention, that comes from hope. Hope is the inspiration to take action when you have to trust yourself to make it through the unknown and that you will arrive where your choice leads. For instance, people are often willing to begin a natural birth when they trust their tools.

We lead our company from the heart of our community, inside our organization and out to our members. Everyone working with Spinning Babies® prioritizes the physiology of commitment as well. We are more than products, workshops, and information. We connect with people searching for answers on their journey of pregnancy and birth and offer them a new paradigm of connection, not formulated answers or sales pressure. We truly care about our community and we would be so glad to have your voice join ours at Spinning Babies®.

Further Reading:

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.