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Schladming, Austria

Schladming, Austria

The training is proceeding as planned. Spinning Babies® is closely monitoring the global health situation and considering the needs and concerns of all the parties involved in upcoming events. If anything changes, we will keep you updated on social media and via email.

Schladming, Austria

Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training

September 1-4, 2020

All inclusive of lodging and food.


  • Jennifer Walker, CD, SpBT
  • Joyce Hoek-Pula


  • September 1 – 10am – 6pm
  • September 2 – 9am – 6pm
  • September 3 – 9am – 6pm
  • September 4 – 9am – 4pm

Hotel Pichlmayrgut

Pichl 54
A-8973 Schladming

Tel.: +43 (0)64 54 73 05


Hotel Pichlmayrgut
Pichl 54
A-8973 Schladming

Tel.: +43 (0)64 54 73 05

Accommodations for 4 nights (check-in Aug. 31st, check-out Sept. 4th) and all meals are included in our registration price. You will share a room with another participant. 


Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training – Schladming, Austria

Includes for 4 nights (check-in August 31st, check-out September 4th) and all meals in our registration price.
You will share a room with another participant.

Register before July 24, 2020
$1795 USD
Approx. 1618 EUR

Register between July 25–August 24, 2020
$1895 USD
Approx. 1709 EUR

Can be paid in 3 monthly installments!
Simply choose “monthly payment” in the application.


Cancellation or substitution accepted under restricted conditions.

$300 USD fee for cancellations between April 2 – July 24, 2020.

NO REFUND ON OR AFTER July 25, 2020. Please note this.

The substitute must fit all prerequisites.

No substitutions after August 24, 2020. Please note this.
Substitution requests require giving us the full contact information of the person to whom you are giving or selling your registration.

Arrange a substitution by including your full name in your email, and include the full contact information of the substitute in an email to Write as soon as possible so they have time to receive communication from us to verify eligibility and get confirmation of their place in the workshop.

Make sure your substitute is eligible! If your substitute is not eligible, follow the refund schedule. You must work out the payment details with your substitute yourselves or it will be considered a cancellation and charged according to the cancellation schedule.

We offer scholarships for childbirth educators of color.
You will receive a link to apply in your Application Acceptance email. You do not have to pay to apply. Scholarship application deadline is May 15, 2020.


Step 1. Fill out the form at this link which includes uploading your document that proves you are certified as a childbirth educator, or prenatal yoga instructor, or providing the proof that you have taught 5 group childbirth education classes if you are not certified.

Step 2. We will review your application and upon acceptance, you will be sent the link to register for the training.

Step 3. Receive and sign the Parent Educator agreement with Spinning Babies®.

All steps are necessary to complete registration.

*Please note all CPE Training and materials are currently only available in English and Portuguese. Parent Educators are allowed to teach verbally in another language, but only handouts in our officially translated languages can be distributed.

**We process all applications in order of submission and give 5 days after the application is accepted for an applicant to register before offering the spot to the next applicant.

Please, make sure you have read about the certification process before applying and registering.

Apply Now

Daily Essentials

Play Video about windmills

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.