SpBCPE Certification

Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator


  1. Review the Prerequisites outlined below before applying:
    • Have you completed one Spinning Babies® 1 or 2 Day Workshops within the past 4 years.
    • Are you a Certified Childbirth Educator or a Registered Prenatal Yoga Instructor (200-hour plus 85-hours prenatal)?
    • A non-certified childbirth educator, or a childbirth educator from an organization which is not on our list of approved childbirth education organizations, may prove competency by submitting a letter from a supervisor or from a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator validating that you have taught 5 classes as a childbirth educator at their hospital, yoga center, agency or business.
  2. To apply, fill out the 10 question form.This includes uploading your document that proves you are certified as a childbirth educator, or prenatal yoga instructor, or providing the proof that you have taught 5 group childbirth education classes if you are not certified.
  3. We will review your application and email you with approval status within 5 business days. 
  4. Upon approval, you will receive an email with the link to complete your registration.
    • Click on the training location you would like to attend
    • Complete the registration form
    • Successful completion of training payment. You will have the option to select 4 monthly payment installments on your registration form or pay one amount. 
  5. Complete the pre training requirements:
    • Review the Welcome Packet included in your confirmation email
    • Complete the Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training Agreement via SignNow. This will be emailed to you or within your Welcome Packet, depending on the training you will be attending. 
    • Save the Zoom dates located in your Welcome Packet to your personal calendar. Each training will  have 2 dates for all attendees to meet one another and discuss training items with our Program Coordinator, Angelica Radevski
    • Login to the Spinning Babies® Community Site to review items within Module 1. 
    • Login to the Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Online Course
      • Your account information will be emailed to you within 48 hours after registering. If you do not receive this email, please contact spbcpe@spinningbabies.com 
      • You will have 1 year to access the Online Course and will need to successfully complete this course if you are interested in offering Online Classes after completing your certification requirements. 
  6. Attend the Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator Training

CERTIFICATION PROCESS: Steps to complete after your training to become a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator (SpBCPE)

  1. Complete one Spinning Babies® 1 or 2 Day Workshops within the past 4 years.
  2. Complete the SpBCPE 4-day Training in its entirety.
  3. Teach 3 Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Classes (group or one-on-one) within 1 year of completing the 4 day training.
  4. Submit parent evaluations to the Spinning Babies® Office from your classes within 1 year of completing your 4 day training by one of the following ways:
    • Digital: (Preferred) Spinning Babies® will provide you with a personalized evaluation form for your attendees to complete. Your personalized link to share with parents is located in the Spinning Babies® Community Site.
    • Email option: Combine all evaluations from each class as a single pdf. Email Parent Evaluations to spbcpe@spinningbabies.com
  5. Apply for Certification. 
    • Submitting your application does not guarantee certification requirements have been met. Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive a confirmation email that states if your application has been approved.
  6. Each Certified Parent Educator must agree to represent Spinning Babies® by adhering to the following the Values, Code of Ethics, Scope of Practice, and the following confirmation statements.

I confirm that:

  •  I am teaching parents with the most current materials available through Spinning Babies.
  • I am teaching only Spinning Babies® approved material.
  • I am teaching how to optimize the physical relationship between the bodies of the mother and baby for the easing of childbirth through balance, gravity, and movement.
  • I am teaching within the limits of the scope of my practice.
  • I fully comply with the legal and ethical standards, values, and professional principles set forth by Spinning Babies®.

Your first year of certification and listing on the Spinning Babies® Website Directory is included in your training registration fee. Each year you have an opportunity to continue your license agreement with Spinning Babies® by successfully completing the annual fee payment of $195.00.

 We keep this simple by having an automated process where your payment will be automatically processed one year from the time of your certification date. 

Certification Includes:

  • Class materials including: a Spinning Babies® Parent Class slideshow and handouts, Parent Class Companion eBook, Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator instruction manual
  • Listing you as a SpBCPE on the Spinning Babies® website directory for parents across the world to find you
  • Spinning Babies® logos to use in your promotional items 
  • Customizable Marketing Material: Social Media templates, Social media posts, Public Service Announcements, Collaboration Handouts
  • International Zoom meetings with SpBCPEs from across the world and our Program Coordinator, Angelica Radevski
  • Affiliate commissions
  • Class materials including: a Spinning Babies® Certified Parent Educator instruction manual; Spinning Babies® Parent Class slideshow and handouts; and Parent Class Companion eBook
  • Provide ongoing curriculum changes to be integrated as they are updated
  • Option to purchase the Online Guided Subscription. If you would like to offer Online Classes, the Online Guided Subscription is required.
  • An automated system for you to use when sending parents their class materials! You can find the parent handouts on the Spinning Babies® Community Site, but by using our automated system for delivery, you have the opportunity to increase your affiliate commissions!

Should you choose to not recertify, you will no longer be able to use any Spinning Babies® component including the name or variation of the name, teaching materials, or logo. The “continuing obligations” of the previously signed contract will be in effect.

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Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.