Michel Odent on Men at Childbirth

Read the Conscious Woman blog on Michel Odent’s comments about his Daily Mail interview about men at birth. In fact, here is Raquel’s post:

Michel Odent on Men at Childbirth

I just received another email regarding the Daily Mail article that quoted Michel Odent as having said that men should not be at the birth of their child. Being too impatient to take the time to figure it out, I emailed Dr. Odent directly. He responded within an hour:”About the pages in Daily Mail, first I was not the author of the article. It was written by a journalist after an interview on the phone. Also it is probable that people just read the sensational title. In fact I have never said that men ‘should not be at the birth of their child’. Warmest regards, Michel

I hope that clarifies things for those of you who have been questioning that piece (which -as you may notice – I am not linking to). Beware the media, especially when it comes to childbirth!

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