Twins and Spinning Babies®

I am expecting twins, can I use the same Spinning Babies techniques for my pregnancy and labor?

Yes! Spinning Babies approach works well for multiples. If you can, start early. Otherwise, start today. You may need to add professional bodywork help to balance uterine ligaments.
Ask your doctor or midwife if there is any medical reason not to do any of these activities (inversion, particularly).

When to start Spinning Babies approach in a Twin Pregnancy?

I typically suggest 20 weeks for a singleton. With multiples the start of daily balancing activities might begin earlier, for instance, 16 weeks… Start gently, pace yourself, and be steady rather than athletic, please!

Start now

Is it too late? Read Faruk’s story by clicking 


Come visit the blog, you’ll find more on twins there! Spinning Babies Blog.

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.