Why Did My Baby Stay Breech?

Spinning Babies I recently received an email from a childbirth educator who worked with eleven pregnant parents with babies in the breech position. Eight of the babies self-repositioned with Spinning Babies®’ techniques, but three of them did not. She sought insight into what happened and ideas for similar situations in the future. One of the three pregnant parents had chronic pain, the other two had athletic body types and high physical activity levels, and one of them also had a history of hernia repair.  

I recently received an email from a childbirth educator who worked with eleven pregnant parents with babies in the breech position. Eight of the babies self-repositioned with Spinning Babies®’ techniques, but three of them did not. She sought insight into what happened and ideas for similar situations in the future. One of the three pregnant […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.