Is Spinning Babies® Necessary?

Featured image credit: Kristin Tangen Photography

“Is it necessary to do Spinning Babies® (The Three Balances℠, Daily Activities) if the baby is head down and no indication that will change? LOA at 32 weeks now.” I rarely use the word necessary. Breathing is necessary, so is drinking water and eating food. I’ve come to believe touch and love are necessary, too, […]

Once the Water Releases

Image credit: Monet Nicole

The amniotic fluid around the baby is protective and helpful in pregnancy and birthing. In birth, the water in the womb is  known to protect the head during descent, and I believe able to aid in fetal rotation by cushioning and by the uterine contraction creating a current passing the baby’s head. “Amniotic fluid is […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.