Why This Is Not Optimal Fetal Positioning
Spinning Babies® is a paradigm of physiological release rather than mechanical. In this way, Spinning Babies® extends the concepts of Optimal Fetal Positioning™ (OFP), which was a recent, breakthrough concept in childbirth education. See more in What is Spinning Babies®? Optimal Fetal Positioning Childbirth educator Pauline Scott coined the phrase Optimal Fetal Positioning to dehttps://www.spinningbabies.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/sample3-1.png the work […]
Solo techniques, and birth story after two posterior births

From our December 2020 letter to our Community, The fascia is our mutable connective tissue throughout the body and you hear me make a lot of fascia metaphors and analogies. What was restricted in our society over generations is being released. The top>down power structure shifts to lateral collaboration and shared power. Lateral, here, means […]