When a Person Is Told They Have an Unstable Lie

Lie means how the baby lies in the womb. The head-down baby is in a vertical lie, sometimes called cephalic to use a Latin term to mean the head is coming. Breech is an old English term to mean the baby’s pelvis is coming first. Both a head up (breech) and a head-down (cephalic) baby are […]
Twelve Steps to Empowering Birth Preparation

A seeker gains a new perspective of living by a series of awakened actions. In the 12-step recovery culture, the twelve action steps focus on moving from the victimization of alcoholism or substance addiction, or, as in Alanon, overcoming the havoc these addictions have on the belief systems of loved-ones. Individuals are empowered in their […]
Monthly Update: Supporting Pregnancy From the Inside and Out, Upcoming Events, & More
In this month’s update: Our founder Gail Tully explains why support for pregnancy is inside and out. Techniques that helped a baby turn head-down during pregnancy and get into an optimal position during labor. Discover clues that may give the birthing person insights into labor plus what to use when there is a question of […]