Changing the Mindset in Birth Practice

Change is the movement between the points of familiarity and unfamiliarity. We are pulled between “what is” and “what if?”. There is a natural anxiety about stepping into the unknown. Trusting oneself with the unknown is the key to a birth giver allowing themselves the mental acceptance to shift from latent labor to active labor. […]
Solutions for Dystocia in the Levels of the Pelvis

Spinning Babies® offers the world’s first complete system of matching birth positions and labor progress techniques to the five levels of the pelvis. We simplify the path to learning by focusing on three levels: the inlet, mid-pelvis, and outlet.* Spinning Babies® Three Levels Solutions℠ helps you resolve birth dystocia by understanding where baby is stalled […]
Increasing Likelihood of Posterior Rotation

What makes a baby with an occiput posterior fetal position at delivery more likely to be born vaginally, and what are predictive factors of anterior rotation during labor? A French team looked at 439 occiput posterior labors and what may favor rotation to the anterior position. Long arc rotation from posterior to anterior was seen […]
Supporting Your Birth Partner – Monthly Update

Halfway through pregnancy, 20 weeks, was a moment of satisfaction in my two pregnancies. I also looked eagerly toward the seventh month when an early birth could mean survival without serious risk of problems due to prematurity. We have many projects gestating in Spinning Babies® that are feeling suddenly “viable!” Most will emerge by the […]