Are Cesareans for Breech Worth the Cost in Maternal Death?

Spinning Babies Andrew Kotaska, MD, of Canada is concerned that "women have been coerced, both overtly and covertly, into having cesarean sections" for birth of their breech babies. Research warns doctors to expand options for vaginal breech birth. Parents and providers want to protect the baby but we must also protect the birth giver. Better skills in breech birth for term or late preterm babies are being met by doctors like Andrew Kotaska, and Anke Reitter and Frank Louwen of Germany.

In my early days of attending breech births, I met a family I will forever be honored to have met. Their very experienced midwife helped them with a late in life baby and now they were having a second late in life baby to add to a large family. Because the baby was breech, they […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.