Cesarean Rates Call for Beyond Border Solutions

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology and other nations’ leading birth organizations and the social organizations who seek to guide their practice with statistical and ethical considerations are working more collaboratively now to reduce the uncontrollable cesarean section. A recent review shows “cesarean section rates increased from 22.8% to 42.2% in Latin American and the […]
Holding Space for Creative Coping

We “hold space.” What does that phrase mean? We hold space when we match our body and our intent to another person’s creative growth during a physical event. I’m using the word “creative” to dehttps://www.spinningbabies.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/sample3-1.png the vulnerable moment when strength arises from awakening. We keep a vision of who they are so they can rely […]
Sacral Mobility

Mobility allows function. The sacrum is the door of birth. A mobile sacrum allows the door to open. The sacrum is a five bone set that hangs as seemingly one bone from the ilium (hips). The big round hip bone is joined to the triangular sacrum by the sacroiliac (SI) joints. Supporting the range of […]
Fear of Childbirth Pain

Fear of childbirth pain can be an inhibitor to experiencing one’s own body in the process, even if there is curiosity about the experience of childbirth. We’ve talked before, on the blog, about the fear of pain being a reason birth givers may not explore choices in natural birth. Perception of Childbirth Pain The perception […]
October 2018 – Monthly Update

Intro Dear Community, It is autumn and the chlorophyll levels are coming down in the boreal forests of around me. Yellows are appearing. My mind easily floats back to the waterfalls of Brazil, where we just have just returned from our Spinning Babies 2018 World Confluence “SIAParto + Spinning Babies: Active Patience.” Fun developments! The […]