Cervical Lip Solutions

This week we discuss the potential of a Dynamic Body Balancing technique in caring for a labor with a cervical lip. “I am looking for advice on the upcoming birth of my 5th child. In my four past births, I have developed anterior cervical lips that were very painful. Birth 1 was hospital, the […]
Where’s Baby? What Can Be Done?

Today, we’ll be looking at a birth story that ended in a cesarean, what led to that outcome, and discuss solutions for a labor dystocia lower in the pelvis. Birth Scenario A short history of the Birth Giver: First birth History of tailbone injury Fetal position ROT SROM (Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes) Nipple stimulation with […]
Supporting the Birthing Family’s Perspective

In many birth settings providers meet parents in labor for the first time. Typically parents seem to accept provider recommendations and routines without much questioning. But these parents may have expectations that aren’t voiced, such as being seen as special in their role to bring forth life or to be cared for compassionately by sensitive […]
Alignment Tips for the Side-lying Release

Reference the instructions on Side-lying Release on the website or handout you received after the workshop. The following will not make sense until you know the first set of instructions. Alignment Tips for the Side-lying Release Have the shoulders aligned before concerning yourself about hips and legs. A piece of furniture is the best […]
Alternatives to Forward-leaning Inversions

Alternative Inversions Spinning Babies® is relatively new to the birth scene and the concepts we present are also new. We are learning what are appropriate techniques and how to do them. This month we discuss safety and use of one of our favorite techniques: the Forward-leaning Inversion. It is an amazing technique designed by Dr. Carol […]