New Times Coming

Spinning Babies We are moving to a crescendo of change in how we live and how we care.
<p>Water, food, and land issues are global concerns. Migration due to natural disaster, economic (including war) and water crisis is and will be a major condition for humanity for some time to come. People everywhere are offering creative and useful ideas and inventions. A shift is occurring. The inventions and innovative systems of the individual will work their way into the global economic scale. People here and there, more and more, are taking personal responsibility for the care of our planet. Water creation tanks, ocean cleaning, reduction of plastic use, rain collection and solar power... At the same time, people are tuning into their bodies and taking better care of themselves by virtue of new discoveries in micronutrients, movement, and increasingly, how fascia functions.
Humanity at large is having a personal revolution. Health is moving from corporation-based health to taking personal responsibility and using the medical system as a partner for diagnosis and specific treatments when a more holistic approach is not effective. To restore and maintain body balance, bodyworkers are applying new discoveries in these micronutrients and movement, and are hungry to learn more fascia techniques. Bringing our body awareness into our childbirth education and midwifery care will be advantageous in staying up-to-date with today’s health discoveries. Childbirth education with this new understanding of the body will revolutionize interest among parents. Having hands-on skills, rather than lecture-based classes, will bring parents in and then the social magic of the relationship with the Birth Keeper and the other parents will happen, too. Life just keeps getting more rich and rewarding!</p>
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We are moving to a crescendo of change in how we live and how we care. Water, food, and land issues are global concerns. Migration due to natural disaster, economic (including war) and water crisis is and will be a major condition for humanity for some time to come. People everywhere are offering creative and […]

Protocol for Persistent Posterior in Labor

Spinning Babies Manual rotation of the posterior baby’s head to the anterior position is an option before resorting to cesarean to finish a stalled labor. This technique is proven to reduce cesarean. Midwife researcher and speaker, Catherine Os learned about Spinning Babies® from Approved Trainer Jennifer Walker, at the Gynzone conference in Europe. Catherine Os says:

Manual rotation of the posterior baby’s head to the anterior position is an option before resorting to cesarean to finish a stalled labor. This technique is proven to reduce cesarean. Midwife researcher and speaker, Catherine Os learned about Spinning Babies® from Approved Trainer Jennifer Walker, at the Gynzone conference in Europe. Catherine Os says: “At my workshops […]

Spinning Babies® Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya

Spinning Babies Tammy Ryan is teaching a Spinning Babies® Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya Africa this June thanks to Elizabeth Project International, Inc. Their mission is to provide maternal and child educational programs; empowering mothers with evidence based information, skills and support, while advocating for dignity, compassion and best care practice healthcare. 

Tammy Ryan is teaching a Spinning Babies® Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya Africa this June thanks to Elizabeth Project International, Inc. Their mission is to provide maternal and child educational programs; empowering mothers with evidence based information, skills and support, while advocating for dignity, compassion and best care practice healthcare.  “I am so grateful that Jennifer Carrol’s […]

Spinning Babies® May Update

Spinning Babies This May we offer advanced training to bodyworkers in the paradigm of “Physiology Before Force” through The Integral Touch of Birth Workshop (ITB). It’s magical to watch the evolution of the participants as they realize the gaps in the existing paradigm for pregnancy bodywork. We create a connection to Spinning Babies but this class takes those bodyworkers -and providers - who’ve taken Spinning Babies Workshop before and addresses the issues that our basic workshop doesn’t have the time or scope to explore.

Dear Spinning Babies Enthusiasts, The month of May! In the northern hemisphere, a month of flowers. In the southern hemisphere, cool weather returns. Seasons offer us regular opportunities to embrace change. We can embrace rather than brace – when we have hope! Spinning Babies brings hope of physiological birth to parents and providers in all […]

Integral Touch of Birth Workshop Review

Spinning Babies I LOVE this quote from Gail that I have scribbled in my notes from her story that began the SpBAP training about how Spinning Babies® evolved to what it is today.

“And then the bodyworkers showed up…” I LOVE this quote from Gail that I have scribbled in my notes from her story that began the SpBAP training about how Spinning Babies® evolved to what it is today. Training Designed for Bodyworkers As a doula and massage therapist specializing in prenatal massage, I was delighted to […]

Daily Essentials

Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth.